Anyone interested in a Heinlein reading group?

Molly: I am starting to get a sneaking suspicion...if I put phone calls out to all of my "Heinlein friends" might I run across your number by chance? Hmmm...was that post baited clue from an impish friend, or odd coincidence? I'll have to pay close attention to your posts!!

dunno...did my story sound familiar? Have you tried to turn friends on to RAH by using Job as the primer? I sure hope not :p

Finnien - I'm all for Time Enough for Love as our 2nd choice. I read that book too long ago to remember much of it and would love a refresher. I even own that book so it will make the job of reading it even easier.
There is also an extremely worn copy of "Time enough for love" on my bookshelves, which would certainly simplify my life.
I think picking out the next book early is a great idea. The more time people have to locate and read it the better. When I suggested The Puppet Masters, I thought I would get the ball rolling and entice other suggestions. I guess I should have expected that a group of Heinlein fans would be more decisive. As to the next selection, I’m open to anything.

By the way, I did find and acquire a restored copy yesterday. I’ve already finished the edited version. I don’t plan to go back and read the restored version right away, but I may look at parts as out discussion progresses.

Having never been part of an online reading group, how do these things usually proceed? Set a date by which people try to finish it, or discuss it as we go along, or what?

Also, if anyone is unable to find a copy of a book, if you live somewhere where Amazon (domestic or a foreign counterpart) will deliver, I'd be happy to send you a copy of the book. Enough books were given to me growing up that it's the least I can do to return the favor when the opportunity arises.
Having never been part of an online reading group, how do these things usually proceed? Set a date by which people try to finish it, or discuss it as we go along, or what?
I'm new to this too...anyone more experienced with this type of thing have thoughts on this? I am just excited to have people to talk to as Heinlein provokes me!
Also, if anyone is unable to find a copy of a book, if you live somewhere where Amazon (domestic or a foreign counterpart) will deliver, I'd be happy to send you a copy of the book.
Great attitude, and I add the same offer!

As far as the next book, should we nominate a few for a quick poll, and leave it there for a few days (some of us only check in once a week or so)? I love those poll things!!! Don't know how to set them up, but I'm sure someone in here does.
I've done a poll once, so I'm sure I could work out how to do it again.
Troble is, you can only "multiple choice" about seven subjects, so there'd have to be a sort of "pre-filter", or a suggestions thread, as on the "book club"
After all. he did write rather more than seven books.
dunno...did my story sound familiar? Have you tried to turn friends on to RAH by using Job as the primer? I sure hope not :p
Hmmm...slippery answer me thinks! Your post definately rings bells, and you fit my demographic. If you are known to me outside Chronicles I'll find you out eventually (lol)...but I guess I must also allow for coincidence in this big world (yes guys, Canada is relatively small, but we're still over 30 million).

And as for Job, yes, I have. I've "spread the word" as much as I can, and have tried varied approaches over the years...have had it blow up in my face on occasion, and had rich rewards on other occasions. I wouldn't want to hazard a guess on how many are out there that have been turned on to Heinlein (or off for that matter) through my efforts.

By the way, I think it would be great if it turns out my suspicions are correct. What an amazing dose of "Its a small world" that would be, and I'd love to be able to carry these discussions on outside of Chronicles face to face. I am deeply grateful for the stimulation I get on here, but there just is no substitution for face to face...some value is lost without the facial expressions, body language, etc.
I've done a poll once, so I'm sure I could work out how to do it again.
Troble is, you can only "multiple choice" about seven subjects, so there'd have to be a sort of "pre-filter", or a suggestions thread, as on the "book club"
After all. he did write rather more than seven books.

Why don't we start with your library Chrispen, as it appears you will have the most difficulty sourcing English copies. Disappointing that it is unlikely you'll get a Puppets. I'm sure you'll be able to contribute to discussion anyway, but would like to have your direct reaction on the next one. If you post what you have, or know you have easy access to, maybe the rest of us can help reduce it down to a handful, and then we can poll. What do you think?
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OK by me; though I'm quite happy to go round bookshops looking for more (protests of poverty apart - perfectly justified protests, I will add, but entirely due to my decision to work in a field which pleased me, rather than one which brought in large quantities of income, a choice I do not regret - I can still manage to buy a book or two. It's merely Amazon's charging more than the price of said book in delivery chages that annoys me, and that's not truly a problem of personal finance, but almost, dare I sayit, principle?)
Indeed, I was quite surprised to discover how low my stock of Heinleins had fallen. (Who can I have lent "orphans" to? I know I had it only three or four years ago)
And there's a reasonable chance of me doing a job in London before the summer (bookshops, look out)
Why don't we start with your library Chrispen, as it appears you will have the most difficulty sourcing English copies. Disappointing that it is unlikely you'll get a Puppets. I'm sure you'll be able to contribute to discussion anyway, but would like to have your direct reaction on the next one. If you post what you have, maybe the rest of us can help reduce it down to a handful, and then we can poll. What do you think?
Good idea that, TT - if you have more than seven, chris, perhaps we could hold the others over for the next one.
TT – Slippery answers are my spe-ci-a-li-ty. :p Do you really think we could know each other? What makes you think so? Simply because we’re both from Canada, 35 and enjoy RAH?? *poke, poke, grin*

The Blue Goose Flew the Coop! Mean anything to ya?

However, if you are correct, of course we’ll meet for a face to face discussion – how could we not? I do think that would fall under “amazing-est” of all amazing coincidences however.

As for "Job": Personally, I don’t feel that it's a good one to start off with (if you’ve never been exposed to Heinlein) but that’s just my opinion. Maybe I'm just remembering it too has been at least 10 years since I read it. Perhaps I'd appreciate it more now that I am familiar with RAH's writing style?

All this chatter about Heinlein got me itching to start reading something and in the absence of Puppet Masters (soon to be here hopefully) I wandered over to my library and picked up Time Enough For Love. The first page contained one of my favourite quotes that I had forgotten was in this book.

On the Writing of History
“History has the relation to truth that theology has to religion – i.e. none to speak of.” -- L.L.

As far as reading groups go…I am an old hat at those. Not that we have to follow any rules per se but I can offer my experience. Generally, those involved agree upon a date in which to finish reading the book. Then someone kicks off the discussion by saying “something” and the rest comment. That ‘something’ could be a personal opinion of the book overall; a comment on a particular theme; the writing style of the author; events that annoyed/inspired/puzzled…etc. I’m sure you get the drift.

Having said that; if you all have finished reading or are in the midst of reading Puppet Masters - don't wait for me to start your discussion. I can always catch up on the second book. :D
TT – Slippery answers are my spe-ci-a-li-ty. :p Do you really think we could know each other? What makes you think so? Simply because we’re both from Canada, 35 and enjoy RAH?? *poke, poke, grin*
That, and the story of your introduction to Heinlein. Lets put it this way, if I don't, I'm thinking I'd like to! One thing that might help me figure it out, and should be rather innocuous...what is the significance of your name?
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This is my first stab at a reading group as well. So, please excuse my ignorance if, no when, I say something dumb. My sense is that a few more days maybe in order before we start on The Puppet Masters, but I’m ready whenever the group is. Going beyond that, it seems like we need to select a date to pick the next book by (which can cut off earlier if the votes equal the number of participants) and then a target date to start the discussion. I’m flexible right now, so whatever works for the rest of you should suit me fine.

A couple of thoughts: While Time Enough for Love is set aside for a reread soon, personally I'd prefer holding off on that one, as I've set it aside to read as part of the "future history" series. However, I'm not going to oppose it particularly strongly, either... I just may not do a reread before the discussion happens.

As for what book to pick -- aside from restored Puppet Masters, as far as I know, I have all of his work that might come up (with the exception of his political book, Take Back Your Government, etc. -- which I would have, but it's ridiculously priced at the moment!). All my Heinlein is out of storage and on the shelves, so I don't think there's anything missing aside from this one.

And Mollygurl: that quote on History sounds a heck of a lot like Dr. Johnson's opinion on the subject -- I would not at all doubt it's a nod to the good Doctor, as I've run into other things in Heinlein here and there that indicate he had a strong respect for him, and agreed with him on different matters....

By the way... it's been too long since I read Job to remember it that well (not since it was first published, as a matter of fact)... but as I recall, it seemed to be rather influenced by Cabell's work, especially Jurgen (which some of Heinlein's characters did not approve, though I get the impression Heinlein quite enjoyed it) -- not so much in style, or even subject matter, but more in that it was an homage to some of the things Cabell had done....
A couple of thoughts: While Time Enough for Love is set aside for a reread soon, personally I'd prefer holding off on that one, as I've set it aside to read as part of the "future history" series...
No arguments here. I think we may be leaning toward The Cat... for our second novel anyhow, but I think I may continue reading TEFL :)
And Mollygurl: that quote on History sounds a heck of a lot like Dr. Johnson's opinion on the subject....
Sounds like I'd get along just fine with Dr. Johnson (and now I'm going to have to Google him - LOL)
... it's been too long since I read Job to remember it that well (not since it was first published, as a matter of fact)... but as I recall, it seemed to be rather influenced by Cabell's work...
Cabell...another name to Google...thanks for keeping me busy JD (I'm currently reading the article 'Heavenbound...' that you posted on another thread) :D
Hi All! I now have a copy of Puppet Masters in my hands and am on the 2nd page. I couldn't wait for Amazon so I ran out to my nearest bookstore and what do you know? One copy was sitting there waiting for lil ole me! :)

TT - it has the same cover as you avatar. Is that the edited or non-edited version?

Have we decided on a date that everyone must finish the book or am I the only one that hasn't finished reading it yet? :D
Not necessarily the restored edition with this cover...used or new book store? There is a 1986 version (pre-revision) with same cover...if you bought in new book store it is almost guaranteed restored version though. Read earlier post in this thread where I give the first page of each version for comparison...the differences are obvious and you'll know which version you have right away.

If you have the old version, I strongly recommend that you get the restored. Much, much better. The old version has so much chopped out and rephrased to fit that it is very choppy and loses alot of the Heinlein feel.
Just checked your old post with the diff versions and confirmed that I have the restored version. Eggs-cellent! Will get back to reading it then.
Once again, I'm gone for a couple days (combination school holiday and head cold) and you guys are going great guns!

I guess it's time to get out the copy of Puppet Masters -- edited -- and start reading. Oh, I'll see if DH can bring home a copy of the uncut version from the SF Club library.

Molly, welcome! The galoots here wanted me for the XX viewpoint -- glad I've got company.

And TT, I'm working on new shirts, but slowly! Life, you know:) The t-shirt designing is a new obsession, sort of like when Puddin's mom got involved in health food. [If you get that reference, give yourself 10 bonus RAH trivia points!]

Back soon!

Haven't really thought this through, just know I'm craving good Heinlein discussion. I'd particularly appreciate having at least one who has read little Heinlein and might be reading the work for the first time, give us fresh perspective maybe.

I haven't read any Heinlein, but I'm willing to join in. Since I don't know much about the books, I don't plan to take part in the voting. I'll read whatever is chosen.

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