I have some stuff in the critiques section. I like to write about normal women who are placed in extrodinary circumstances or do something entirely outside of thier social identity.
Some of the stories I have written that are not placed here are very graphic, but still hold to that fantasy theme. I like to write things with a shock value. If you expect that my quiet mousy librarian will discover her inner goddess and save the world, then by chapter 13 I have her murdering innocents and making demonic pacts. Why? Because its fun. If you expect my heroine to save everyone, chances are I will actually kill everyone because she needs that pain to move onto a greater task. Both those stories are written, but I don't like them and they need a lot more work than I can put into them right now.
And its the same thing in the books I read. thats what I love about King, Jordan, and others---tehy change your expectations, keep you engaged. The good is not always good, and evil is not always evil.