(Found) Fantasy series from late 80's early 90's - help!

Book Dude

New Member
Apr 17, 2007

I'm hoping for a miracle here.

When in junior high/high school I read a fantasy series that I am trying to recall. I can't remember any of the titles or the author although I seem to recall that the series had 4+ books in it.

The first book has the main character as a young boy living basically a peasant life. The unique identifer that I can remember is that the boy has a discolored patch of skin on his hand (silver/white?) that is linked to his ability to use magic.

Any help?

I think the author "might" have had a K in his/her first or last name.
The silver/white patch on the main character's hand makes it sound a lot like David Eddings' Belgariad series. Garion started off as a peasant on a farm, too, so that checks, and the series had 5 books in total.

If this doesn't sound right, do you have any more details? I'm sure we'll be able to help.:)
You are correct!!

It has been longer than I thought since I read them so I was off on the years but that is the right series. I read this as a kid and had to wait for a few of the novels to be realeased even. I actually got a response on one other forum that I posed this on and went and bought the first two books yesterday in the series to start reading it again.

I've already finished both book and have to go get the rest!
