When Will They Come Again?

John Thiel

John Thiel
May 3, 2007
From Lafayette, Indiana
Can anybody tell me if the networks are giving any consideration to re-broadcasting the Kirk STs in chronological order the way they're just completing doing with Voyager? I've seen most episodes of the other ST series, but practically none of the Kirk episodes, though I've seen all the Kirk movies.
Well, they're not in order, but on TV Land they play them just about every day around 5 and 6 in the morning. I usually record them and watch them later.

But, in my opinion, chronological order isn't really necessary. Each episode is it's own plot; there isn't really a generic plot the flows through them all.
I agree (with both statements). But if you have a VCR or DVD recorder with timed recordings you can just set it to record and watch it later ;).
There is of course the DVD option. The three original series boxsets were released a few years ago and are available to buy in stores or online.
