What would you do if...

Kaylo Mizuri

The Forgotten Soul
Feb 5, 2006
I know it'll sound like a crazy question, but what would you guys do if you could meet any David Gemmell character? Which one and how would you act?
I dunno probably Druss, as to how I would act, I'd be me, no special airs and graces, Im a simple type of guy with the firm philosophy of if you dont like me fine but Im not going to do something different just to impress you. I always feel that its the best way to go, it might not earn you many friends but at least those you do get know that they can depend on you.
I would wanna meet Jaim Grymauch and let him tell me his drunkan brawls stories and let him be himself.

Also Jon Shannow and ask him did you find Jerusalem yet and then he would prolly put a slug in my forehand cause of his anger :p
I'd love to meet Druss. For his legend status, he's down to earth and friendly with most.
I would lilke to join rek in battle just to see him in full baresark rage that would the DB :D