This may seem an odd thing to say


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
In the second film The Matrix revolutions when they go into Zion after the ship docks and the door opens thats when I get it, I can't help thinking about Star Wars, the newer ones. There's something about it that reminds me, I'm pretty sure some of the actors were in star wars. The thing is I can't take the matrix revolutions and the matrx reloaded seriously because of this.

I like the matrix alot, it is amazing to watch and the other 2 in my opinion doesn't have half as much in them as that one.

But still, why the heck can't I stop thinking star wars everytime at the same point.

You can all think I'm totally nuts and are welcome to say so btw I don't mind.

Gothic x
Star Wars was one of the place where the "Grand scale" films really started to come into their own. Any scene in which there is a huge technological construct tends to remind me of the opening scene in A New Hope.
Anyway, not many people take the Matrix seriously :p
I just keep on thinking I'm going to see someone jumping round with a light saber soon lol

I haven't actually seen the films since they were on at the cinema. You have to admit it is all a little star warsy looking. The camera work in the first film was far better.

Gothic x
Star Wars, Blade Runner, 2001. The influences are everywhere.

I'd imagine newer film makers who have been influenced by the Matrix. :p

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