For anyone who's read "Fitzpatrick's War"


New Member
May 29, 2007
OK so here's the deal: I'm doing a combined history and english final for school where we have to design a theme park based on a topic in American history, draw a map of it on poster board, and write a paper explaining each attraction. I chose aviation. 3 had to be american literature, and discovering American aviation-related novels which would be good for adaption into an Amusement park attraction proved difficult. Here's the problem: I plan to read the book for pleasure, but don't want to rush through it or spoil it for myself by looking up a summary. For FW, I wanted to make a 3D show, and i'd like someone to please summarize in a few sentences an airship battle sequence or other aviation-related event so that I can adapt it into my ride. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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