The Malloreon series ending...

pukka sahib

Jun 3, 2007
hey, I have been obsessing for a long time now and just have to ask, what happens at the end of the The malloreon series I've read most of the books but unfortunately am unable to finish it due to the fact i have no income to speak of..(teenager *shrugs*)..and my local library doesn't have it...could someone please enlighten me...
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After the defeat of Zandramas, the death of Toth and the destruction of the Sardion,Errand/ Eriond becomes the new God of Angarak, and subsequently the world, Silk and Velvet get married, as do Zakath and Cyradis, Polgara and Durnik have twins and Vella turns into a green-banded hawk and she and Beldin leave the Vale forever. Durnik comes into his own as a disciple and Beldaran, Garion and Ce'Nedra's first daughter is born.
Good triumphs, evil is destroyed & the angaraks take up knitting instead of global conquest.
Guess that's why it's called a "fantasy" series. :)

Oh, and then much milking ensues as DE realises they're on to him only having one idea so he writes about 4 prequels.

cough, cough *Lucas* cough, cough.
Of course .... you could refer to the 'Book a Minute' website for the ending....

I do enjoy this site...
I do wonder what the Elenium and Tamuli series would be like?
hey thanks for that...poor Toth...but then I was that attached to him...Cyradis and Zakath...didn't see that one coming...

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