(Found) Author/title?? Alien yacht + death symbols


don't panic
Dec 2, 2004
Dundee, Scotland
Hi, I am wondering if anyone can remind me who wrote the following two stories (and what they were called)

First one starts off with a team of archaeologists digging up (from ancient rock strata) a perfect replica of an ocean going yacht. It's made of some unknown material and it turns out to be an alien artefact. Eventually a gateway to the aliens' world is also discovered.

Second involves the idea that after interstellar travel is achieved by mankind, many apparently isolated civilisations on worlds throughout the galaxy (or maybe the universe?) are discovered who spookily all have the same or very similar symbols for death.

Not much to go I know, but if it rings any bells, please let me know.
ommigosh said:
Hi, I am wondering if anyone can remind me who wrote the following two stories (and what they were called)

First one starts off with a team of archaeologists digging up (from ancient rock strata) a perfect replica of an ocean going yacht. It's made of some unknown material and it turns out to be an alien artefact. Eventually a gateway to the aliens' world is also discovered.

Aren't Native american myths implied in this one ?
Second involves the idea that after interstellar travel is achieved by mankind, many apparently isolated civilisations on worlds throughout the galaxy (or maybe the universe?) are discovered who spookily all have the same or very similar symbols for death.
This, I think, rings bells. However, I have no idea who it could be, I don't remember specifically reading a book like that. I'll try and have a look at home tonight... don't get your hopes up mind;)
angrybuddhist said:
The alien yacht story sounds like Ancient Shores by Jack McDevitt.
That's the one I was thinking too.
Ancient Shores by Jack McDevitt. That's it! Thanks, angrybuddhist. Must go and see if I can find that one again. I'd really like to re-read it.

Leto, I don't really know anything at all about the native american myths. Does this story remind you of something from that culture? It would be interesting to find out if there is a link.

I think the author claimed that his story idea of the buried ancient yacht came from something similar that was actually dug up many miles from the sea (I think there was an ocean at the site around 10 or 20 000 years previously).
