(Partly Found) Three Obscure Sci-Fi/Fantasy Plots... Help!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2007
Hello to the community! First Post.
For Years now I've been trying to remember the titles/authors of three books that I read in the late 80's early 90's:

1. All I can remember of this one was a human (crash?) landing on an alien planet populated with catlike aliens. The story actually follows one of the aliens, an outcast prince I believe, with physical disabilities. The human actually acts as a supporting character, providing physical therapy and help for the main character who is seeking to take back his throne... There was an obsidian axe the human used in the battle scenes, and there were remarks (in disbelief) at the "impossibility" of the human's shoulder joint flexibility.

2. Hard Science Fiction. Dealt with a man (agent?) on the run. The only hard "facts" I remember are that he had nanotech in his body. The nanotech seemed to be sentient. He grew claws at one point to defend himself against an enemy agent, and there was a scene where the nanotech was talking to him and boosting his endorphin levels to increase his confidence as he tried to get through a security point...

3. Last one is probably impossible. All I can recall is a young adult paperback dealing with a group of people, one of them a earth boy, brought together on an alien planet, possibly as zoo specimens. Each individual had abilities that made them unique, but what I remember vividly is a tall black women that shape-shifted into a panther.

Any help on these would be greatly appreciated, they've been haunting me for years!
Welcome to the Chrons, Bibliophile. If you go to 'Introductions' and post some details about yourself, you'll get a proper official welcome.

Can't help with the book search, sorry. The first one sounds as though it may just have been a drug-induced hallucination! :)
No 1 sounds like it could be something by CJ Cherryh. Cuckoo's Egg has catlike aliens, but it doesn't fir the rest of your description.

No 2... Nimbus by Alexander Jablokov?

No 3 - no idea.
Hmm, Cuckoo's Egg is definitely not it, I've looked into that before. But Nimbus, while I don't think it's the right book, looks really interesting, I may pick it up for a quick read anyways.
thanks for the suggestions!
Hi Bibliophile, welcome to Chronicles.

No.1 is the only one that rings a bell. Years since I read this, but might it be Anne McCaffrey -- Decision at Doona (1969)? If not that, then perhaps something by Andre Norton?

Hope one of those jogs your memory, and good luck with identifying all three.
I can't remember the author or the title, but I think I recognize number 1. My husband bought it, I didn't read it, but it was on our bookshelves for years. The cover art was two feline aliens facing off for what looked like a fight, and I think the title had something to do with kingship or inheritance. Maybe it will come to me.
3rd one springs to mind there was an Edmond Cooper book Slaves of Heaven on the cover of the p/back was a tall black woman don't know if she could shape shift.
Teresa, Yes! That was it, a small step closer...
iansales and Wee Dug, Thanks, I'll check into those as well...
#2 sounds like Blood Music by Greg Bear.

I've read #1, and the human wasn't from off world, he was from a isolated human settlement. The feline was kind of looked down upon because he had a crippled arm, and I remember that the human teaches him karate or judo. Sorry, I can't remeber the title.
Winter Lord,
Thanks for the help, Blood Music wasn't it. But it looked interesting. You are definitely thinking of the same book for #1 though. I wish you could remember the title or author!
Doona wasn't it, but after looking through the list of the nanotech books, I have a good feeling it's "From a Changing Star" by Jeffrey Carver. I've ordered it and I'll let you know. Thanks for the help!
Found #1!!
Did (alot) of searching on scifan.com and found it. The book is "Demon of Undoing" by Andrea Alton.
Thank you to everyone who set me down the right path!
2 more to go...

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