I was Wondering


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
Now when i read the david eddings books I remember how in B and M it mentions the other worlds ok. Do any of you think the way I do and that all hes other books are those "other worlds"?
That's quite an interesting theory, I like it. And technically they are Eddings 'other worlds' anyway, so it's very plausible.
I've always wondered about that with the introduction of the 'aliens' in the Tamuli. Was it Shining Ones or Hidden City? They got on that boat and one of the guys made a remark about how silly it was to have a ship crewed by women and it was mentioned that these women didn't have feet as there were no stairs in the ship, just ramps....

There's actually been some interesting fan fiction works that crossover his two main series.
I always wondered this, too. Firstly, there's the competitive pair of prophecies playing the "game" over the universe, mentioning other worlds left, right and centre. Then there's the other worlds that Aphrael casually mentions in the Elenium/Tamuli (as Zombie says, the ship crewed by women for example, and Klael's soldiers for example). In fact, there's another point: Bhelliom and Klael always compete over the worlds they made; their struggle being one of many regarding worlds.
I totally forgot about Klael's soldiers!

It makes me wonder, is any of this a sign of Eddings desire to do a sequel or to mingle worlds together for another book?
