I have made purchase from Federation Surplus a number of times, and I will be buying from them again in future. Their products are outstanding replicas of the props they represent, the most accurate I've seen.
There are a few things to remember, however, when purchasing from them:
1. You are not getting a toy. You're getting a prop replica that's generally a great deal better in quality than the actual prop it represents. As such, they're not cheap, and they're not meant for a whole lot of being played with.
2. Often, the item you're ordering will need to be made from the ground up, so it might take a bit of time. Brett, the owner, always gives me updates, often including photos, of the items I ordered. Just bear in mind that it may be more than a month or two.
3. Prepare to be amazed when you receive your order (or positively gobsmacked if you order a hero replica).