The Continuous Story

Naryaló S dú

Lord of Science
Jul 27, 2007
If there's already something like this I'm sorry, otherwise:

This thread is just a coninous story. I start the story with a sentence or 2, then the next person continues it, and on and on. I'll give you an example.

There was once a young lady named Celly who lived in the grand city of New York.
Celly had curly blonde hair and almost pale skin. (get the picture? if so, continue it)
There is already something similar, but unless a mod removes or merges this thread, I'll play. :D

She was well liked and intelligent, but no one knew of her darker side.
Celly had a mysterious past life.

It all began some 20 years ago..... when Celly went by the name of Cecily
She had fallen in love with a man twice her age called Jack who had introduced her to the underground world of the occult.
Jack had taken her to a seance, and while she was fascinated, she was incredibly sceptical of what was happening there.
The table had shook and the ouija board had spelled out the words In death you'll find life.
To which Cecily had snorted in derision, but instantly regretted it as she felt icy fingers encircle her throat.
...on that cold December night, as her breath should have misted in the air -- like it used to when she was breathing.
Cecily felt the thirst begin to overwhelm her.. she had long since given up resisting the urge, it was to strong in her now.
:)(Ha) Good one Leisha...

Cecily opened the door of a pub called
The Elephant and Wheelbarrow,
looking towards the bar she saw an assorted bunch of people all laughing and talking amongst themselves.
One man, sat in the darkened corner, looked vaguely familiar, with his rough, ranger-like appearence, his pipe, his dark eyes and dark hair, which was hidden by his cloak -- even his nametag, which said Stroyder, sounded somewhat familiar...
I know the official name is Strider, and that's why I called him Stroyer, as a spoof. :D

I want to see what someone comes up with after reading my line. Don't worry, Nar, this story won't follow LotR.
Another man, she thought she recognised.
He was tall, dark and very handsome and smiled at he when she looked his way.
It wasn't a plesant smile though, more of a sneer!
"Aha", he whispered, in a strange strangled voice, "another one. You'd better go through to the Portal and meet your .......companions."
He pointed to a door in the the back wall of the pub.
She was immediately curious as to what lay beyond the green door.

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