Make a species to go against aliens and predators


Jul 31, 2007
What species of uhhhh....thing would you make to go against the aliens and the predators.

Mine would be alot like an alien But with a harder exoskeleton and spikes all over their heads
How about similar races...



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Originally posted by Soggyfox

mine would look alot like Sigourney Weaver

LOL. However you have a point she has managed to kick Aliens butt in every movie, maybe you could breed her with Arnie and their offspring could take on both Alien and Predator!!!
Maybe the Borg..

They would probably get ripped to shreds but one might get lucky and implant some Nano-probs and voila Predator turns from friend to foe, and after assimilating the Predetor species' knowledge they coul out smart them and match them for fire power and actually have Borg Predators fighting non-asimilated Predators..
How about some sort of parasite?

One that kills predators, but lives in symbiosis with the aliens and humans are imune?:p
Weyland Yutani Soldier Androids + Android 'Murderous Thieves'

And/or the pilots from Alien. Complicate the setting some.
There is only one being that could hope to defeat either race.

That being is....
Maybe the Borg..

They would probably get ripped to shreds but one might get lucky and implant some Nano-probs and voila Predator turns from friend to foe, and after assimilating the Predetor species' knowledge they coul out smart them and match them for fire power and actually have Borg Predators fighting non-asimilated Predators..

I was thinking borg too...but as they were originally. i.e. enhanced cyberneticly rather than becoming shuffling space zombies.

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