Heroes episode 4: Collision

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
***** Spoilers! *****

Another good episode last night with plenty of tension going on - interesting to see Isaac's dream and the potential peril to Claire.

It's funny - even though I really enjoyed it again, it felt like everything was completely overshadowed by the final scene on the subway when time stopped, it seemed like Syla might be coming - and then suddenly we have a very serious Hiro appearing, speaking English, obviously having arrived from the far future. The complete contrast to his normal excitable self was quite stark and rounded the episode off superbly.
*** Speculation! ***

Something else - why did Hiro appear?

At that moment, Mohinda had been doubting everything, and a reason to convince him to continue his father's work seemed required.

Then time stopped for the young doctor and Hiro appeared.

My presumption was that Hiro needed to pass on a message to Mohinda. But why not appear to Mohinda directly?

Maybe he couldn't. In which case, why then the young doctor?

And the young doctor can only fly when near his brother.

So the suggestion is, the young doctor's ability isn't flying - but instead the ability to absorb and use superpowers near him.

That's why he can fly near his brother - and that's why he alone would be able to see Hiro through time - absorbing Hiro's power.

Evidence of picking up before hand?

Well, the young doctor was exposed to Isaac the artist, not least when Isaac had overdosed. Isaac dreams the future. The young doctor was dreaming of flying, not least from when stood on the end of the building when his brother helped save him.

Which suggests he absorbed the precognition ability then, and that he's able to absorb superpowers in general - at least, the one's we've seen.

Which suggests he could be the most powerful in a sense, if all are joined together with him - as wouldn't this suggest he could absorb everyone's powers?

2c. :)
You have no idea how hard it is for people who have seen this to not just blurt everything out...

I am so jealous of all those watching this series for the first time, I had all these questions... some of them get answered!!!

*restrains self from typing anything else and giving it all away*

So the suggestion is, the young doctor's ability isn't flying - but instead the ability to absorb and use superpowers near him.

DINGDINGDING! We have a winnar! Gotta say though, the idea that Peter was only able to see Hiro because he could absorb his powers is something I hadn't though of. +2 perception to you.

Funny thing, they actually tell you that in the Heroes Unmasked bit afterwards, even to the point that they say he's the most powerful of all the heroes we've seen so far.

And just for the sake of anality, it's spelled 'Sylar' and 'Mohinder', and the nurse's name is Peter.
I'm really getting into this and I appreciate the spoiler alerts people are putiing up. (I went to see the first two Bourne films knowing absolutley nothing beyond them having good reviews from critics I trust. Terrific! The third? Still managing to get to the remore when the adverts come up!:))
Very perceptive of you Brian. I remember moaning to my mates that Pete had a crap power compared to the rest (how little I knew).
The Hiro you see in that episode you do see again, much much later in the series. Totally cool episode that one. Your journey is only beginning, it gets much MUCH better later in the series. Like Ada says, I can't say anymore - keep watching!

oh p.s. Mohinder was not the target of Hiro's warning. Pete was. For reason's which become evident later :)
I'm going to stop watching those 10 minute snippets airing after the episodes. I assume they're edited out of a 'making of' program and they're edited to only cover what we've seen up to now. Even so, they're too revealing. I like those programs but I think they should only be shown/watched after the series is completed.

Hiro is definitely the most interesting character so far...
Can't watch those "making of" snippets either - would spoil the magic. :)

Thanks for the comments and holding off from the spoilers - I guess you're bursting to comment, but hopefully us newer viewers will catch up soon enough. :)
Well, since the beginning of October Heroes is also running on German TV and I have been watching avidly. And I have been trying to stay outta threads like this one. And since, two nights ago, the fourth episode aired, I'm now here to share with you my experience and impressions.

Hiro is by far my favourite. I feel with Claire and was slightly creeped out by the stunt she did at the end of the episode. Nikki keeps being mysterious. Glasses man keeps being creepy. And I worry what might have happened to Matt Parkman...

Well... I'll be back next week in the next thread.

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