Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson

I got about 30 pages into the newest desecration of frank herberts good name before I just gave up because the writing was so terrible, the characters so flat, and the story so lame. I decided to check amazon to see if maybe it got better, but the average review is one and a half stars and the review titles are things like "Beyond Awful", "They Finally Killed it", and "Abomination". I am so depressed that they ruined such a great universe:(. The legends of dune prequels were bad enough (house books were ok), but to suddenly frame the entire series in their story is just heinous.
I think its lame letting amazon reviews decide what you think of authors and their books. Atleast read the books before dissing them......

See for yourself if their books get worse or better.
Ok actually I like those too.

But they should be banned from further desecrating DUNE

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