Thread topics, spoilers, and author forums.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2005
The other day I did something stupid... I knew I shouldn't go there because of the risk...

I'd just finished reading the first 2 books of the Malazan series back to back. I was in the mood for discussion.

I knew there was a risk of being exposed to spoilers, yet did it anyway because I am a fool. I figured I could tell the threads with possible spoilers in it ahead of time.

Within 3 seconds I glanced upon a thread topic with a spoiler.... I immediately left the forum, never to come back. I learned my lesson, but was it my fault?
Shouldn't the spoilers be kept within the threads themselves and clearly marked?

Here is what I saw, approximately- SPOILER WARNING -

Is Whiskeyjack dead or ascended?

Now why couldn't the guy have had the topic as "I have a question about Whiskeyjack after book # whatever?" and proceed to have the spoilers in the thread itself?

Is this common or allowed in author forums? Maybe it is, I don't know...

So, my question is this... To ease my mind, or maybe not so, could someone WITHOUT spoiling anything, simply tell me if this spoiler turns out to be a big deal in spoiling the story overall? A simple yes or no would suffice.

In other words, will my enjoyment of the rest of the Malazan story be diminished by reading this spoiler? Thanks.
You should donate all your possessions to a charity right now and go live in the wild as a hermit because as of now your life is ruined forever.
Firstly, theres always an inherant risk in reading an author forum that you'll get spoilers. Life sucks.

The good news is that no, it's not important to the overall arc of the series.
You should donate all your possessions to a charity right now and go live in the wild as a hermit because as of now your life is ruined forever.

This is indeed what I have feared : (.

Seriously though, I think it is reasonable to ask people how bad of a spoiler I read. I am pretty sensitive about spoilers.
To be honest, we haven't all read the same books, or indeed the entire series. Many of us don't post until we've read the entire thing, while others seek advice, reviews or opinions. Most thread starters tend to warn of spoilers, or to hide them, but there are no hard-and-fast rules. We're just ordinary people trying to do our best.
It is often difficult to remember that what you know is not what everyone else knows. Sadly this kind of thing happens from time to time. Generally, people try their best to keep spoilers away from those who don't want to see them.

I haven't read the whole series but I definitely don't think this will ruin your enjoyment of the rest of the books.
That thread topic spoiled it for me too but I still enjoyed the book in which it happened.
Read them all so far – Really big S. Erikson fan, but I never read his forum, which is a pity as I could wax on all lyrically about his books all day long. As far as I have read, it’s not that important so you should be fine. Just remember not everyone uses * Spoiler alert! Spoiler alert – I really mean it! * When they post, read them first then explore the forum, or chat about it in a book group if a member – You’ll be fine, don’t panic Mr Manering!

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