Okay, i just read it, and these are my thoughts. (WITHIN ARE SPOILERS)
1)Adara was some kind of Other, whom was created at birth because an Oce Dragon happened to pass by, or so.
2) When the Ice Dragon dies, Adara becomes normal
3) The Ice Dragon clearly has feelings
4) Adara is not as cold and heartless as the others depicted by GRRM in AGOT. She knows love an happyness, but on a different level.
5) There are several Ice Dragons
6)There where/are different kinds of FireDragons.
7) The words Songs of Ice is mentioned.
8)The seasons seem to be of normal.
9) The Winter seems to get longer the more the Ice Dragon visits, However I see no mention of the summers getting longer,or the fact that they are no longer normal. There comes a winter every year, as there comes a summer every year. (as shown in the aging of Adara, and here growing affection with the Ice Dragon)
10) There are animals who live solely in the landscape created by the IceDragons. These beings die from warth, as does the ice Dragon.
11) In return Ice seems to be equally effective against Fire.
12) For normal beings Ice in its extremities brings death.
13) I am guessing the same can be said from fire, nothing is mentioned about them though.
14) Because of the cold creeping in, Adara's mother died during childbirth. This may prove to be significant, since it was said that Adara came out all blueish and touched by the cold. This is nothing more then speculation though.
15) I am certain the world in ASOIAF and the one in Ice Dragon are one and the same.