Upon Being Remaindered


Silly Author Person
Aug 12, 2006
East Tennessee
It's been a weird couple of weeks here since I got back from NASFic.

The truck battery decided to die (not that it wasn't time).

I have a tire that I need to replace.

And I just learned from one of my publishers that my book was being remaindered.

It's kind of a shock. First one publisher closes their doors, then another says, "Hey, we're remaindering your book--want some copies before we sell them off?"

The good news is they are going ahead and ordering them and billing me and letting me write a check because I don't have a credit card with that kind of room.

But it felt strange, as I thought the book was selling fairly well.

At least I can sell the mass market rights now if I want to (or will be able to in a month or so).

One tries not to feel depressed when one gets this sort of news. I tell myself that it is just part of the business, to get on with other projects, etc.

And I will...


Truth is, my coauthor Selina Rosen and I are in the middle of rewriting the first 10 chapters of our second murder mystery. I finished a snort novel just last week, and now am looking over a couple of short stories that have been idling.

There are other things I need to finish. And other things I need to start.

Bad Lands is selling and getting good reviews.

Song of Silver is out and getting good reviews.

The Lunari Mask is about to be released.

So its not like the world is coming to an end here (nor is my career). It's just one of those punch in the gut moments that makes a writer wonder why they bother to do this...

And then someone comes and tells me they loved one of my books/stories/etc., and I remember why.

Laura J. Underwood
Well I am sorry about your punch in the gut. Hopefully it only stung for a few moments and then you moved on to enjoying the rest of your day.

You know you have fans (one right here at the very least!) out there who enjoy your stories and are waiting to hear more. Keep up the good work and don't worry about those itty bitty obstacles ;-)
Yes, it's disappointing when a book goes OP. (And of course if our books made enough money so that we could afford to buy a significant amount of left-over stock at a discount ... they probably wouldn't go OP in the first place.)
Sorry to hear about the book, Laura. And don't get me started about vehicles! I've got a couple I'd like to just push into the lake and forget about--the only problem is that one of them is a boat, so that won't do much good.

Sorry to hear about the book, Laura. And don't get me started about vehicles! I've got a couple I'd like to just push into the lake and forget about--the only problem is that one of them is a boat, so that won't do much good.


Yeah, boats and Volkswagon Beetles...You have to poke holes in them to get them to sink.

Good news is the battery cost half what I initially thought it would.

Still need to replace the tire.

Oh, and I just got a nibble on a project I queried on, so maybe there will be good news in the offing...

I can hope.

Laura J. Underwood
I talked to Selina the other day, Laura, and she was trying figure out if you were waiting on her, or she was waiting on you. :)
Laura - I'd never heard of the word "remaindered" before but believe I've got the drift of it. Sorry to hear it but you sound positive - so that's a good thing. Never got as far as you myself to have even got in a position where "remaindering" might happen so consider your glass still at least half full! Hope all goes well with the other stories you mention.

And vehicles are a pain - mine had a contretemps with another one last week - not too serious but 'fraid it was down to me - thank goodness for insurance companies eh?

Catch up with you later and hope to hear better news.
