Cthulhu Chess Set

Wow that is cool! He made those? I wonder where you would start with something like that, my son is always making random stuff with random pieces of wood.
I love chess.

Even though that thread is a couple years old, I suppose you can find the artist's pieces on ebay. I'll see if I can find something, and I'll post whatever I find here.
I'm quite partial to chess, as well, although I haven't played it in quite some time and don't think I've ever won a game. :rolleyes: I have a Lord of the Rings: Return Of the King set which is fantastic. But this! This one is beautiful! I think I vaguely heard about a Cthulhu set recently while browsing the internet, but I hadn't seen any pictures of it. Thanks for posting it, Addy!

Now...birthday in just over a month...time to start hinting, methinks....:D
I found the artist's ebay store, but there was nothing there for sale. There have been some sales recently there though, including cthulhu inspired paintings an stuff, so I suppose he or she is still selling through ebay. One can always get in touch with him or her through wetcanvas, and ask if there's more of the chess set available. I can be the go-between if anyone from here wants to order a set.
One can always get in touch with him or her through wetcanvas, and ask if there's more of the chess set available.

well he did say that he made molds so if there was any interest, he could always cast another set
Wow-finaly.I thought this would be some more mainstream "cutesy",like on some of the old covers.

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