

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
I'm reading the books again and it got me wondering if the dryads (sp?) are closely attached to their trees how come CeNedra can be apart from hers? (I don't mean literally attached to the tree of course). It was something that was said by the dryad queen that got me wondering.

I think it's because Ce'Nedra is descended from the original Dryad who left the Wood to marry into the Borune line as part of the treaty. She still seems to be a full Dryad, although she must be at least partly human (Ran Borune, her father, was human, after all). Maybe that's it? I haven't read the books for a while, so I'd need to go and check.

If someone else knows, please feel free to correct me.:)
True dryads can't bear sons, remember ? When the first dryad princess married into the Borune line, arrangements were obviously made. However, it seems that the dryad line breeds true on the female side. Geran is obviously Garion's son, whereas Beldaran is Ce'Nedra's double. Ce'Nedra is simply a Dryad who can bear sons, but the treaty allows her to leave her tree, largely because she wasn't born in the Wood.
well, in the Mallorean, Xera travelled to the Isle of the Winds, so its likely that Dryads CAN leave their trees alone, but most choose not to. as far as bearing male children, nothing was said about it. its always possible that any male children born are killed, like its implied male adults are once the breeding season is over. point. all dryads are born of a male human and dryad. thats expressed in The Belgariad. and in one story or another its said that in the females the Dryad strain breeds true. though the BOrunes in general are tiny probably due to the links to the dryad line...