(Found) Trying to remember novel. On the verge of figurative suicide.


New Member
Aug 27, 2007

I'm trying to remember a sci-fi/fantasy book I read back before 2000.

The story is about a (bounty-hunter/assassin/or something that involves skill with fighting) that's looking for a holy grail of some sorts.

I remember that he has the ability to access a special sort of vision, due to a magical art of some sort that he has learned.

And he has acquired the ability to absorb the abilities and minds of others, so he has several different personalities lurking around in his head (especially some higher level assasins or fighters of some sorts. One is especially good with knives)

I don't know what they call this magical art, but he learned from someone who was much more adept in the arts when he was younger, and in the process of learning a forbidden technique accidentally unleashed it upon his teacher, thereby absorbing him into his mind.

I remember the process of acquiring/learning a technique is compared to wrapping around the mind around a spoon and then unwinding it or something like that.
The special vision is the first and only technique that he learned from this teacher/instructor before he accidentally absorbed his mind.

He also absorbed the mind of some sort of king of a rock planet or people.

The first scene of the book involves the absorbed mind of his teacher speaking up to accept an assignment of some sorts.

I also remember at one point in his space ship, he sees alternate versions of the space ship, and it all makes sense in the end.

In the end, I think each of his other acquired personalities/identities gradually leave him, although they've all developed a relationship with him.

Any help would be incredibly appreciated.
Thanks for the help.

I don't think it was a Michael Moorcock novel :(.

Anybody else have any suggestions?
THAT's the book!
Thank you so much :). I owe you my life!

I just ordered it. I'm excited.
