Hardly up with the quality of writing, imagination or plot of aSoIaF though, is it.Oooh...good thread...I'll be watching this one...
How about David Eddings? The Belgariad, is it? (it's been years...but I remember falling in love with it)
Hardly up with the quality of writing, imagination or plot of aSoIaF though, is it.
I'm not sure a lot of Martin's readers would enjoy Eddings' Belgariad or Mallorean or Tamuli or Elenium, for some reason (probably the repetitiveness), Eddings is somewhat frowned upon by most Chron members although I love the books no matter how repetitive they are... they're like a warm comfy blanket...
Not sure what I'd recommend other than Malazan... maybe Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy, that has enough political intrigue for the Martin fans.
Not necessarily. It's pretty much split 50-50 over on malazan about whether Prince of Nothing is a masterpiece or a piece of trashBakker's probably a safer recommendation -- Prince of Nothing gets more love on the Westeros boards than Erikson does. Though it's hardly universal.
I would suggest Feast of Souls (The Magister Trilogy, Celia Freidman), the sword of shadows series by JV Jones, and The kingdom of Thorn and Bone series by Gregory Keyes.
Could you describe First Law series like a synopis what its like?
I liked Malazan book 1 but didnt like GRRM series so im not sure right now if i should try other fantasy of the same type.
Feast of Souls sounds to me more interesting than Black Sun Rising.
I ordered from the library The Briar King and The Blade Itself hope they are good.