Chronicles Network Resources


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2004
Toronto, Ontario
I have to say Thanks Brian on the resources section here. It has helped endlessly and your efforts to do it for other people is amazing. Sorry lol this comes a bit out of nowhere but I was reading it all over and once again Thanks!
No problem - and I'll tidy it up and extend it as required. :)

In fact, if anyone thinks there are resources that should definitely be listed, then please do feel free to do so in this thread.

For a start, I need to list something that deals with manuscript format...

EDIT: In case anyone is wondering which page Tonic is referring to: Writers Resources
I'm after some basic science informatiion on fires, i know that i had it, but i can't find it anywhere. I specifically need to know how fires burn, what causes hot spots, flash overs and backdrafts. why smoke is produced in some fires and not others and the consequences thereof. EG: I remeber that fire opens the pores of a building, and the force of the blaze can force smoke particles into the fibre of the building which traps the smell of smoke. that is the sort of info i'm looking for.
any info or links much appreciated
I, Brian, I don't know if this has been asked before, but is there an online resource that would help plot timelines? Especially for stories that have time-travel in them it's very hard plotting a timeline when you have to cut through several arcs.

Just wondering, it will help a lot in my stories. :)
