More pictures from our family album (formerly, Pirate Ship Cake, Dr. Seuss Village)

Teresa Edgerton

Goblin Princess
Staff member
Nov 1, 2004
Here are some pictures of some family projects I thought other people might find amusing.

Megan and I made the pirate ship cake for Daisy's birthday (in our family, we refuse to grow up, thank you very much). It was a fairly big project, since we had to experiment with a prototype first, to get out all of the structural bugs first. I think it came out rather well, but now that we know the logistics involved, next time (because of course there will be a next time -- can you ever have too many pirate ship cakes?) we will do a better job.


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Re: Pirate Ship Birthday Cake & Dr. Seuss Village -- recent family projects

The second project was for the twin's first-birthday party. Ever since Jack and Ethan were born, Megan has been planning a Dr. Seuss theme for their first party. But when it came time to go shopping for decorations, or toys, or stickers or anything like that, that we could turn into decorations ... there was nothing to be had. So I decided to make a little Seuss-inspired town as table decoration. That was another project that took much longer than anticipated. John and I were working on it for days, with presentation board, card-stock, tape, glue, paint, etc.

You can probably guess the sequel: the very next week, when we were shopping, Megan and I walked into a store that had Dr. Seuss toys and projects that we could have used.

Ah well, we will be bringing the decorations out on Dr. Seuss's birthday for years to come.


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Re: Pirate Ship Birthday Cake & Dr. Seuss Village -- recent family projects

Fantastic. A friend made a similar pirate ship a couple of years back. We will have to give it a go for Angus' first birthday. The Dr Seuss village is very well done, and much better than anything you could have bought.
Re: Pirate Ship Birthday Cake & Dr. Seuss Village -- recent family projects

That cake looks yummy, but it's much too pretty to eat. Just have to drool over it. And as far as the Dr. Suess items go, just like gully_foyle said, better than anything you could have purchased.
Re: Pirate Ship Birthday Cake & Dr. Seuss Village -- recent family projects

Wow I am amazed. I could never make anything like that if I tried for years.

Maybe you should have made a Dr Suess cake....Green eggs and Ham:)
Re: Pirate Ship Birthday Cake & Dr. Seuss Village -- recent family projects

That cake looks yummy, but it's much too pretty to eat. Just have to drool over it.

By the time people were ready to eat it, the top parts were beginning to slip -- so that made cutting it into pieces a lot less painful. That, and the fact that we had pictures. From the time we assembled it until the time gravity began to take its toll (in spite of the dowels) was about five hours.

Thanks, gully, I think the village was certainly more elaborate than anything we could have bought, but we spent so much in terms of time and materials, it ended up being so much more expensive all the way around than we imagined it would be. The really hard part was getting the walls to curve. That took a lot of tape and glue and holding on until the glue dried.

Michael, the green eggs and ham cake is an excellent idea. What Megan actually made was a tall red and white striped cake, like the Cat in the Hat's hat.
Re: Pirate Ship Birthday Cake & Dr. Seuss Village -- recent family projects

This seems like the right place to go into doting grandmother mode, and post pictures of the twins on Halloween. The first picture is of Jack, and the second of Ethan. That's my daughter Megan (proud mother of the twins) holding Jack in the last picture.

(Excuse the household mess in these pictures. We're in the middle of refinishing floors, painting walls, and replacing windows, in order to put the house on the market after the first of the year. Everything ends up in the living room, and, at least around here, clutter begets more clutter, and more, and ...)
Re: More pictures from our family album (formerly, Pirate Ship Cake, Dr. Seuss Villag

Awww!!! What cutie pies. Don't they get big fast. It seems like they were just born.
Re: More pictures from our family album (formerly, Pirate Ship Cake, Dr. Seuss Villag

The first picture is of Jack, and the second of Ethan.
I doubt if any of us would have guessed, they look really alike:eek:.

funny pumpkin costumes:). They really still look adorable. I wonder how many years it will last:p.
Re: More pictures from our family album (formerly, Pirate Ship Cake, Dr. Seuss Villag

They are growing fast. They're tall for their age, despite being born early. (Many tall people in the family on both sides, though I'm not one of them.)

scalem, in person it's easy to tell the difference, even if you don't know their features as well as those of us who spend all of our time gazing fondly at them. What you can't see in the pictures is that Ethan has brown eyes and darker hair, and Jack has very white skin and very blue eyes.
Re: More pictures from our family album (formerly, Pirate Ship Cake, Dr. Seuss Villag

Aw how cute!!!!

I love babies in pumpkin costumes!!
Re: More pictures from our family album (formerly, Pirate Ship Cake, Dr. Seuss Villag

Of course I can't pass up the opportunity to post pictures of the twins coloring Easter eggs for the very first time.

(As you'll see, Jack and Ethan scorn the use of spoons and wire egg-holders, and go for a hands-on approach.)
Re: More pictures from our family album (formerly, Pirate Ship Cake, Dr. Seuss Villag

And two more pictures.

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