Brasada ~ excerpt from a fantasy novel

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
This is an excerpt from something I am working on ~ sporadically:)

Six years ago, during the course of a war, Ross, Luis and Dominic found themselves at the ruined fortress of Brasada. What happened to them there not only changed their might change the world...

Myrissa sat in the breakfast parlour, sipping coffee and idly planning her agenda for the day. Luis had risen early and ridden out with his factor Serge to the market at Tejo. She didn’t expect him back until nightfall and the prospect of a day all to herself was too enticing to fill with dreary household tasks, especially with the end of summer drawing near. Perhaps she would take a book from the library and go and spend the morning reading under the old caioya tree in the kitchen garden. Then later, she could saddle her mare and ride down to meet Luis on his way home.
These last few weeks had had an almost magical feel to them. The shadow of Brasada had been subjugated beneath the companionable warmth of the slow, soft summer days and the burning heat of the nights. Myrissa’s cheeks grew warm at the memory of the previous night. It seemed that a new Luis had emerged since their return to Seivilla, a gentle, teasing, passionate lover whom it was easy for Myrissa to imagine loved her. There had been no sign of the black moods and brooding silences that characterised her relationship with Luis over the last two years. The frightening rubbish that Ross Cabrini had sprouted at her that night in Amarrion could be safely tucked away and forgotten as Brasada itself seemed to have been forgotten by Luis. Myrissa shrugged off the tiny prickle of unease that ran down her spine at the memory of what else Ross Cabrini had said to her and rising from the table made her way to the library to select a book.
She was standing before the great mullioned window that looked down across the valley, glancing through one of Luis’s poetry books when her eye was drawn to a rising cloud of dust along the road that led to the estate. Frowning she leant closer to the glass. Two riders were approaching. It was surely too early for Luis to be returning. As the riders drew closer she could see that neither horse was Luis’s flashy chestnut stallion. And neither rider was Luis. One of the riders had milk pale hair. Again a tremor of unease slivered down her spine. What had her old Duenna always told her? Don’t think of the devil, lest you draw his attention. She had been thinking of Rossarion Cabrini and now he was riding up the road to her door. She watched as the two horses came to a halt in the yard. The second rider was Dominic Santorro. For a moment Myrissa stared blankly out the window, then gathering her scattered thoughts together she left the library and crossed the main hall to the front portal.
Santorro was dismounting as she emerged onto the top step. She dismissed the servant who had opened the door and stood looking down at him, her face expressionless. Inside she was seething. Why did he have to come here now, when everything was so good? She had no intention of letting him unsettle Luis and set him to thinking about Brasada again. He and Ross Cabrini would be gone before Luis returned and Luis would be none the wiser for their unwelcome visit.
Dominic eyed her warily before executing a perfect courtesy.
Donna Myrissa,” he said. “I’m sorry to arrive unannounced but I must see Luis.”
“Must you?” Myrissa asked coldly. Ross Cabrini gave a grunt of laughter. She looked up at him. He sat upon his horse in an oddly hunched manner; he looked terrible, drawn and ill with black smudges of exhaustion etched into the skin beneath his eyes. However, the smile he gave her was as mocking and ironic as it had been before. Myrissa set her shoulders. It didn’t matter how ill he was, he and Santorro were leaving here before Luis came home. Besides, she thought to herself, he’s probably suffering from the after effects of too many visits to the whores of Amarrion.
Donna?” Dominic asked. “Where is Luis?”
She turned away from Ross Cabrini and addressed him.
“My husband,” she said pointedly.” Is away from home and not expected to return for some time. I’m sorry your journey was wasted. Perhaps in future you might like to send some advanced warning if you intend to call.”
Cabrini laughed again. “Would we have a better chance of seeing Luis ?” he asked, then answered his own question. “I don’t think so.”
Myrissa gave him an icy stare. “I don’t want you here. Luis is...Well, he’s happy and I don’t want anything to spoil that for him. Whatever ties you think were forged all those years ago at Brasada are broken now. It’s in the past. You’re in the past and Luis and I are making a future together. Don’t spoil it.” Her voice had dropped to a whisper and she hated the pleading note that had crept into it. She could still hear Ross Cabrini’s voice “Brasada isn’t the past. It’s now. It’s forever,” but she refused to believe that.
Dominic looked weary too. Not ill like Cabrini but tired and dirty. He spoke softly.
“Believe me Myrissa when I say that I wish that that was true. You don’t understand…”
Myrissa cut across him. “Luis has told me everything! Everything.”
“Everything?” said Ross. “How remarkably well informed you must be.” Myrissa could hear the anger threaded through the exhaustion that dragged at his voice. “We don’t have time for you to play happy families Myrissa. Where is he?”
Dominic put a placating hand against Ross’ knee. He dropped the reins of his own mount and climbed the steps until he stood just below the step on which Myrissa stood. He touched her arm and Myrissa had to resist the impulse to shrug him off. Sensing her antipathy he withdrew his fingers and raised them to his head, running them through his hair.
“You say Luis told you everything, but Myrissa there is so much you don’t know.”
She interrupted him again.
“Then tell me! I’m sick to death of everyone telling me I don’t know or I shouldn’t know.”
Dominic bit his lip. He opened his mouth but whatever he had been about to say was cut short by Ross Cabrini, who, without making a sound, slid sideways from his saddle and landed in a crumpled heap in the dirt of the yard.
“Ross!” Dominic said sharply. He ran back down the stairs and crouched beside the other man’s still form. Myrissa stood frozen. For a moment she fought against a surge of anger against Cabrini. It didn’t matter if he was sick. She was going to get him back on his horse and away from here, no matter what! Then, her better nature won out and she hurried down the steps and knelt down, reaching out a hand to touch Ross’ pale face. He was forge hot and Myrissa snatched her hand back from the burn of his skin against her fingers.
Dominic put his hands beneath Ross’ shoulders and lifted him. His head lolled back against Dominic’s arm. Dominic shook him, gently at first then with more urgency.
There was no response.
“Madre!” Dominic swore softly and lowered Ross back to the ground. He turned to Myrissa.
“How long until Luis returns?”
“Not until late afternoon,” she replied.
“And he went where?”
Myrissa hesitated and Dominic’s mouth tightened.
“We don’t have time for this Myrissa. Luis needs to be here and he needs to be here now.”
She opened her mouth to speak but he forestalled her.
“Listen to me,” he said brusquely. “Do you want me to tell you that the fate of the world is in the balance here? It is. Do you want me to tell you that all hell is going to break loose? It will. “He took her by the shoulders, holding her firmly.
Myrissa swallowed, trying to hide her fear. Santorro was another lunatic trying to disrupt her life with Luis. She glanced around, looking for one of the servants, anyone who could help her get back into the house where she could lock the doors.
“Myrissa, please. I’m begging you.” The desperation in Dominic’s voice made Myrissa hesitate. She met his eyes, shaken by what she saw there. It wasn’t madness...
“Luis rode to Tejo,” she whispered. “I can send someone to fetch him...”
Dominic shook his head. “It will be better if I go. There are things he needs to know.” He looked down at Ross’ unconscious body. “We need to get him inside. Myrissa...will you take care of him?”
“What’s wrong with him?”
Dominic’s mouth tightened. “A meeting with the Inquisition, that’s what’s wrong with him. Madre damn it. He could barely sit his saddle but I had no choice. We had to find Luis...”
Myrissa stared at him in shock. The Inquisition? Dominic touched her arm.
“Please,” he said again. “I’ll find Luis and we’ll explain everything, I promise. Just trust me for now.”
There was no reason for Myrissa to trust Dominic Santorro. The man had slept with her husband for Madre’s sake and probably would again given half a chance. She had no idea why she nodded. Yes.
Santorro’s expression relaxed. “Thank you,” he whispered.
With the help of two of Luis’ grooms Ross Cabrini was carried inside the house and up the stairs to one of the bedrooms. Dominic reached out and touched the other man’s face.
“I’ll bring him back, Ross. Just hold on, please.” He turned to Myrissa. “Tejo, you said?”
She nodded. Dominic took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. “Keep him safe,” he whispered.
Myrissa stumbled to the window and watched as he mounted his horse and rode away. Behind her, the man on the bed moaned and she turned and hurried to his side. He was still burning hot, his pale hair standing up in damp spikes. His face was white, his cheeks flushed with fever. Beneath his leather coat, his shirt was plastered to his body.
“Now that’s a bonny piece if ever I saw one.” Estrella, Myrissa’s Duenna entered the room, and directed the servant who was following her to place the basin of water he carried on the table beside the bed. Estrella put the cloths she carried beside it and stood next to Myrissa, clucking her tongue.
“Boy’s burning up,” she said as she placed her hand on Ross’ forehead. “We’ll need to get him out of these clothes for a start.” Sliding a hand under Ross’ shoulders she began to tug at his coat. She lifted her sharp, black eyes to Myrissa’s. “Come on lovey. You get his boots and trousers.”
Myrissa blushed wildly. “I don’t think...” she began.
“You’re a married woman. Boy’s not got anything you haven’t seen before.”
It was hard to undress someone when you were trying very hard not to watch what you were doing. Although perhaps she didn’t try as hard as she meant to because Myrissa certainly saw more of Ross Cabrini than she had ever intended.
“Now that’s a package you wouldn’t mind unwrapping...” Estrella cackled slyly.
“Estrella! This man is ill. You shouldn’t be speaking in such a manner.”
“Aye lovey. You’re probably right. I’ll just think in such a manner instead.”
Myrissa shook her head. She forced herself to study Ross’ body. There was an ugly bruise on his right side, the flesh swollen and livid. The Inquisition, Dominic had said. Myrissa had expected to find evidence of torture, terrible wounds, but the bruise was the only thing that marred Ross’ pale skin. It was the fever that gripped him that frightened Myrissa.
Dipping a cloth into the basin of water she drew it across Ross’ chest and down his arm. Estrella nodded in approval.
“Try and cool him down lovey whilst I brew up one of my special febrifuges.”
Myrissa continued to draw the damp cloth over Ross’ feverish skin. Estrella’s knowledge of herbs and potions was second to none. If anyone could reduce Ross Cabrini’s fever it was her. Still, it surely wasn’t possible for a man to be so hot? Already the sheets on which he lay were wet. She stroked the cloth across his face and his eyes fluttered open. He looked at her in confusion.
“Nicky?” he whispered hoarsely.
“He’s gone to find Luis,” Myrissa said. She dunked the cloth in the basin and wrung it out before running it across Ross’ chest. She lifted her eyes to his and he gave her a faint smile.
“All my dreams come true,” he rasped.
“What?” said Myrissa wetting the cloth again and wiping his shoulders with it.
“Me naked. In your bed.”
“It’s not my bed,” Myrissa slapped the wet cloth across his face. She felt him laugh as she lifted it away.
“Then I still have something to look forward to.” His eyes closed again and a shudder racked his body. Drawing his knees up against his chest he curled himself into a ball. “Madre,” he wheezed roughly.
Estrella re-entered the room carrying a clay cup in her hands. Myrissa wrinkled her nose at the smell that rose from it. Sitting down on the mattress beside Ross, Estrella took hold of his shoulder.
“Come on lovey,” she urged. “Drink this down. It will ease that fever of yours.” She held the cup to Ross’ lips. He took one wary swallow before wrenching his head away with a curse.
“Madre! Are you trying to kill me?”
“Come now. Don’t be such a baby,” Estrella’s fingers curled around Ross’ jaw, holding his head still. He looked up into her black eyes. She raised the cup again and Ross closed his eyes and swallowed. When the cup was empty Estrella released him and he sank back against the pillows his mouth working furiously. Estrella leaned over and examined the bruise on his side. She probed it gently and Ross jerked wildly, gasping with pain.
“You’re bleeding inside,” Estrella murmured. She caught Myrissa’s eye and frowned. “I’ll need to draw up an elmberry poultice to try and stop the bleeding. Likely there’s a bone or two broken in there as well.”
“Is that what’s causing his fever?” asked Myrissa. Estrella shook her head.
“That’s something else entirely,” she said pursing her lips as she hurried from the room once more.
Ross cracked open one eyelid. “Please tell me I won’t have to drink anything else that woman concocts?”
“She does know what she’s doing.”
A faint smile crossed his face before he shivered convulsively again. “Madre, I’m cold. And...”
“I have a humiliating yet overwhelming need to relieve myself.”
Myrissa looked at him blankly.
“I need to piss, Myrissa.”
“Oh.” She blushed.
It wasn’t easy but somehow Myrissa managed to get Ross off the bed and standing upright so he could use the chamber pot. He leaned on her, breathing harshly through his mouth. She kept her face turned away, hiding her blush.
“When I imagined us being intimate, this wasn’t quite what I had in mind.” Ross said. Then he swore. “That doesn’t look good.”
The pot was full of blood. Ross sagged against her and she eased him back onto the bed where he closed his eyes and curled up into a ball once more. His face had a grey cast to it that frightened Myrissa. He opened his eyes and gave her a pallid smile.
“I am sorry, you know. For what I said to you in Amarrion.”
“You said a lot of things in Amarrion. Which particular insult are you sorry for?” Myrissa wiped his sweating face with the damp cloth.
“I’m not sorry about anything I said. I’m only sorry that I hurt your feelings.”
Estrella chose that moment to bustle back into the room; otherwise Myrissa might have been tempted to empty the basin of water over Ross Cabrini’s head. She wrapped the pungent elmberry poultice around Ross’ ribs. Myrissa pointed to the blood filled chamber pot and Estrella frowned.
“Keep him still and keep him cool. That’s all we can do for now.” She laid a hand against Ross’ brow. “I’ll boil up some more of my febrifuge and we’ll work at getting that fever down some more.”
“I can’t wait,” Ross muttered into his pillow. Estrella helped Myrissa change the sweat sodden sheets before she left. When they’d finished, Ross lay on his back panting. Myrissa walked to the window and looked out. The sun was low on the horizon now. Surely Luis would be home soon?
She glanced back at the man on the bed. He was either sleeping or unconscious, his breathing fast and shallow. With one last look outside she moved back to the bed and began to bathe Ross’ body once more.

Tejo on market day was a busy town, the population doubling and the three inns doing a roaring trade. It was close to sunset when Dominic rode through the main street to the town square. The market had closed hours ago but the number of people present hadn’t diminished. He slid from his horse and led it across the square to the largest of the inns, the King’s Soldier. A scruffy haired lad darted out and grabbed his reins. Dominic threw him a copper sestani and pushed his way into the crowded taproom.
He saw Luis at once, sitting with a group of men against the far wall. His head jerked up as Dominic entered and he fixed his gaze on him. He stood up as Dominic crossed the room.
“We have to get back to Seivilla, Luis. Ross need us.”
One of the men sitting at the table with Luis rose also. “Don Alvarez?”
“It’s alright Serge. You wait here for Don Garcia and collect what’s owed. I’ll ride back now with...with Don Santorro.”
Luis followed Dominic from the inn out to the stables. He flipped another coin at the same lad who had taken Dominic’s horse and the boy disappeared into one of the stalls and began to saddle Luis’ mount.
“What’s happened Nicky?”
“I’ll tell you as we ride.” The boy came out leading Luis’ horse behind him.
“Yours is tied up outside Syr,” he said to Dominic.
They mounted and headed through the town. Once they reached the outskirts Dominic reined to a halt. Luis listened in silence as he explained the events of the past few days, his face growing pale.
“sh*t. It’s really happening, isn’t it? I told Ross it would be alright...”
“It will be alright. Luis. We just have to keep our heads.” Dominic leaned over and touched Luis’ shoulder. Then, unable to stop himself, he lowered his mouth and kissed him. They were both breathing hard when they broke apart.
“I’ve missed you,” Dominic murmured against Luis’ mouth.
Luis’ eyes filled with tears. He shook up his horse and Dominic followed him. They had been riding for more than an hour when they stopped by a small stream to water their horses. Dominic dismounted and after a moments hesitation Luis followed suit. It was dark now and Dominic could scarcely make out the other man’s face.
He turned towards Luis and felt his hand against his face.
“I’ve missed you too.” Luis stepped closer and suddenly his arms were around Dominic, pulling him against his body. They dropped to the ground, Luis’ mouth closing hungrily against Dominic’s. For a moment Dominic gave himself up to the feel of Luis’ body on his, his hands and mouth roaming avidly over Dominic’s body. Then with a strangled laugh Luis pulled away and sat up.
“Madre. This is crazy.”
“No. It’s not the right time or the right place, but it’s not crazy, Luis.”
“I can’t hurt Myrissa...”
Dominic got to his feet, hauling Luis up after him. “Do you love her?” he asked tightly.
“Of course I love her. But Nicky, I’m not in love with her...”
Dominic gave Luis a fierce hug, trying to disguise the way his heart had leapt at those words. I’m not in love with her. “We’d better keep moving. I told Myrissa that all hell was going to break lose...”
“Oh Madre,” said Luis sickly. “It is, isn’t it? It really is.”
Dominic could feel him shaking. He hugged him again before turning back to his horse and swinging into his saddle.
“Hell’s what you make it, Luis.”

The sun had been down for a good hour or more and Myrissa’s anxiety was begin to escalate. Estrella had forced another cupful of her fever brew down Ross’ throat but to Myrissa’s eyes it had had little effect. He was still burning hot and if anything his breathing had become more laboured. She was terrified that he was going to die. She sat beside the bed with her useless cloth and watched each breath he took. Estrella had bought a lantern in and Ross’ body gleamed in the light it cast, sweat pooling in the hollow of his throat.
The sound of horses in the yard below made Myrissa fly to the window and look out. Luis and Dominic dismounted and entered the house. Myrissa hurried to the door and threw her arms around Luis as he entered the bedroom.
“Luis. Where have you been? I think he’s dying.”
Luis held her tight, kissing her hair. Dominic moved to the bed and knelt beside it, taking one of Ross’ lax hands in his. Luis released Myrissa and followed him.
“He’s dying,” Myrissa said again and Dominic shook his head.
“No. He’s being reborn...”

I did like this, but it needs to be tighter. I had a shot at the opening paragraphs so you see what I mean. I am from the school of 'less is more' so apologies if my suggestions are too radical. I just felt it needed to flow quicker to the juciy bits (!)

Red - Reomove

Blue - Add

Pink - comments/suggestions

Hope it helps...


Six years ago, during the course of a war, Ross, Luis and Dominic found themselves at were in the ruined fortress of Brasada. What happened to them there not only changed their might even change the world...

Myrissa sat in the breakfast parlour, sipping coffee and idly planning her agenda for the day. Luis had risen early and ridden out with his factor Serge to the market at Tejo. She didn’t expect him back until nightfall.andThe prospect ofA day all to herself was too enticing to fill with dreary household tasks, especially with the end of summer drawing near. Perhaps she would take a book from the library and go and spend the morning reading under the old caioya tree in the kitchen garden?ThenLater, she could saddle her mare and ride down to meet Luis on his way home.
These last few weeks had had analmost magical feel to them. The shadow of Brasada shadow washad been subjugated beneath the companionable warmth of the slow, soft summer days and the nights burning heat of the nights. Myrissa’s cheeks grew warmed(or rouged) at the memory of the previous night. It seemed thatA new Luis had emerged since their returning to Seivilla; a gentle, teasing, passionate lover whom it was easy for Myrissa toeasily imagined loved her. There had been no sign ofThe black moods and brooding silences that characterised her relationship with Luis over the last two years had gone.
The frightening rubbish
that Ross Cabrini had sprouted at her that night in Amarrion could now be safely tucked away and Brasada itself seemed to have beenbe forgotten by Luis. Myrissa shrugged off the tiny pricklefeeling of unease that ran down her spine at the memory of what else Ross Cabrini had said to her.andRising from the table she wentmade her way to the library to select a book.

She was standing stoodbefore the great mullioned window that looked down across the valley, glancing through one of Luis’s poetry books when her eye was drawn to the road, and a rising cloud of dust. along the road that led to the estate. Frowning, she leant closer to the glass. Two riders approached. were approaching. It was surely too early for Luis’s return? to be returning. As the ridersthey drew closer she sawcould see that neither horse was Luis’s flashy chestnut stallion. And, neither riderman was Luis. One of the riders had milk pale hair. She Againa tremortrembled, a feeling of unease slithered down her spine. What had her old Duenna always told her? Don’t think of the devil, lest you draw his attention. It wasShe had been thinking of Rossarion Cabrini she was thinking of and now he was riding up the road to her door with Dominic Santorro. She watched as the two horses came to a halted in the yard. The second rider was Dominic Santorro. For a moment Myrissa stared blankly out the window, then gathering her scattered thoughts together, she left the library and crossed the main hall to the front portal.
Santorro was dismounting as she emerged onto the top step. She dismissed the servant who had opened the door and stood looking down at him, her face expressionless. Inside she was seetheding. Why did he have to come here now, when everything was so good? She had no intention of letting him unsettle Luis and set him to thinking about Brasada again. He and Ross Cabrini would be gone before Luis returned and Luis would be none the wiser for their unwelcome visit.
Dominic eyed her warily before executing a perfect courtesy.
"Donna Myrissa," he said. "I’m sorry to arrive unannounced but I must see Luis."

"Must you?" said Myrissa asked coldly. Ross Cabrini gave a grunt of laughter. She looked up at him sittingHe sat uponon his horse in an oddly hunched manner; he looked terrible, drawn and ill with black smudges of exhaustion etched into the skin beneath his eyes. However, the smile she had seen before;hegave her was as mocking and ironic as it had been before.MyrissaShe set her shoulders. It didn’t matter how ill he was, he and Santorro were leaving here before Luis came home. Besides, she thought to herself, he’s probably suffering from the after effects of too many visits to the whores of Amarrion.
"Donna?" said Dominic asked. "Where is Luis?"
She turned away from Ross Cabrini toand addressed him.
"My husband," she said pointedly." Is away from home and not expected to return for some time. I’m sorry your journey wasis wasted. Perhaps in future you might like to send some advanced warning if you intend to call."
Cabrini laughed again. "Would we have a better chance of seeing Luis ?" he said.asked,then answered his own question. "I don’t think so."
Myrissa gave him an icy stare. "I don’t want you here. Luis is...Well, he’s happy and I don’t want anything to spoil that for him. Whatever ties you think were forged all those years ago at Brasada are broken now. It’s in the past. You’re in the past and Luis and I haveare making a future together. Don’t spoil it." Her voice had dropped to a whisper and she hated the pleading notetonecreeping in. that hadcrept into it. She could still hear Ross Cabrini’s voice, "Brasada isn’t the past. It’s now. It’s forever," but she refused to believe him. that.
Dominic looked weary too. Not ill like Cabrini, but tired and dirty.
He spoke softly.
"Believe me Myrissa when I say that I wish that that was true. You don’t understand——"
Myrissa cut across him. "Luis has told me everything, Everything!"

"Everything?" said Ross. "How remarkably well informed you must be." Myrissa could hearheard the anger threaded through the his exhaustion that dragged at his voice (not sure about this bit). "We don’t have time for you to play happy families Myrissa. Where is he?"
Why hasn't WCC seen this? I think you know why some of them haven't. ;)

All the boys are going to the ball.... (shirtless)...just don't expect Luis to save a dance for you. I think Dominic has filled his dance card. However, Obi is free for the tango:D.
Once I was through the first couple of paras I was pulled in, though as the timelord says it could be tighter.

Difficult to know where this comes, so how much the reader knows or needs to be reminded of or guesses, but I had suspicions about the three boys from your opening expo. That is probably just me, and besides I do not know what you intended.

Nice level of bitchiness going on, I like that Myrissa is an ambiguous character though I hope she gets the chance to defend herself, she comes across as a bit/lot of a prig.

I would be interested in hearing more about or reading Brasada. Definately whatever the Wcc think?!!!
I think this is pretty terrific stuff. You have a great grasp of how to quickly create an effective mood.
I did notice one small thing, however, I think in the line below you might mean "spouted" instead of "sprouted."

The frightening rubbish that Ross Cabrini had sprouted at her that night in Amarrion
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