Star Wars Television Show?

well, here's to hoping George Lucas has learned a few things since releasing the Ewok, and Droid cartoons
Why don't you get the Ewoks save Christmas then Dusty?

I don't think the TV show will be too good but I'd like to see it.
A Star Wars television show that's not animated? All I smell is another movie-to-tv show conversion, kind of like StarGate SG-1.
Yah, but that was a success, this can only get worse - - - though maybe we will all get a nice surprise - well we can all hope can't we?
I hope Lucas doesn't screw it but then I don't want it to be good either cause then there will be non-true fans claiming to be massive fans of SW
I heard about this a few days ago. I don't know what's Star Wars without Darth Vader? Personally I am over Star Wars. I loved the first three originaly movies and I was all excited about the new Star Wars movie when it came out, I waited for the second one to come out on video before I watched it (Jar Jar Binks turned me right off)
I went along to the last one simply because it was the last one (it turned out to be the best of the three)
But I really have no interest in watching it on TV.
True, Stargate was a huge success and a SW series most likely would not be. To be honest, I'm not a fan of movies becoming television shows, so Stargate was something I never really got into. That, and seeing MacGyver again was a little strange.

And, like Tangaloomababe said, what's SW without Darth Vader? Seriously.
Brigitte I have to agree with you, I loved the Stargate movie but couldn't relate to the TV series at all, it wasn't the same without Kurt Russell. I am trying to think of a sucessful movie that became a sucessful tv show. (still thinking)
I merged this new thread with the existing one. I know it's a very old thread, but it was easier than doing a link and there was actually more information released about this in the initial announcement 2 years ago than has been given this week. I don't understand what kicked off all the discussion on TV and radio about it this week as it is very old news.

PS. I'm also going to move it to our cool new "SFF News" forum. The idea is to bring SFF news to people who wouldn't normally visit this forum. It will be moved back here after a few weeks.
Star Wars without Vader is better most of the time in the novalisations. Star Wars without Luke or Wedge or Face and Phanan or Han Solo wouldn't be imaginable.
Star Wars without Luke or Wedge or Face and Phanan or Han Solo wouldn't be imaginable.
Are they in all of the novels, comic books, and video games? (I thought some of that stuff was set thousands of years before, depicting things that are merely background legend to the movie characters.)
Are they in all of the novels, comic books, and video games? (I thought some of that stuff was set thousands of years before, depicting things that are merely background legend to the movie characters.)
Face and Phanan are in the novels and possibly my favourite characters out of everyone in the Star Wars galaxy. Solo and Luke of course you know and Wedge is the guy in the X-Wing when they shoot down the second Death Star. He's you could say, a minor character but important.

Read the link, thanks TK, hope you copy (sorry) and am very happy about Fett going into it. I've been reading the Bounty Hunter Trilogy and they screwed up his history so bad in the movies that they might be able to rectify it a bit.

There shouldn't be too many operations with the Rebellion cause they don't really come to their own until not long before Ep. 4.

A bit of it sounds like it will be on Tatooine. With Oola and Bib Fortuna. Jabba's palace maybe?
Live Action series news:

Rick McCallum speaking at Star Wars Reunion 2 in France.
- Bobba Fett will certainly be in the series and Rick wants Daniel Logan for the part.
- The series will be on cable.
- He will have a contract for 100 episodes and Rick hopes it will be extend to 400, maybe with Expanded Universe characters after the first 100.
- So no EU character for "now" in the live action show. All the characters will be new ones.
- Six screen writers have been hired and will start work in November
- McCallum hopes to have John Williams for the score but it is too early to tell
- Every episode will have it's own original score
- Boba Fett will play a pivotal role in the series among the horde of bounty hunters.
- The budget for an episode will be (that of) one of the usual American TV show (between 1,7 and 2 million dollars.) The challenge will be to produce a show in that budget and keep the quality of the movies.
- The series will aim at a wide audience and not just the fans exclusively.

Clone Wars animated series news:
- The first season will have 21 episodes of 22 minutes. Steve Sansweet has already seen 6 of them.
- We will see more trailers once a TV network has been chosen
- The series may be broadcast in many countries at the same time
- The series will be a Saturday morning show aim for a young audience (8/10 years old) - George is very happy and proud of the way this project is going forward..."
- Hasbro recently announced that it's set to premiere around August (series confirmed by Lucasfilm but not release date). They spoke a "theatrical release". Does this mean Clone Wars is going to the cinema?
I would rather they not bring this to TV. It is going to get watered down, rewritten, characters added in that don't match the movies, and end up fading out like every Star Trek series does. How many Star Trek series' can you name that ended up fading into the past?? Deep Space Nine...Voyager...blah blah blah...

I say we let Star Wars live on in the big screen. Don't water it down.
I think they screwed Boba Fett's history up enough that they don't have to do it any more. He wasn't even originally called Boba Fett and he was never a clone.

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