Time Travel, observing someone's life, tracing it back


Oct 25, 2007
And another one...

Time travel thingy, where people watch someone’s entire life unfold. Main girl had had a traumatic upbringing, possibly African, kidnapped by rebels in the bush, her father beat her mother, or grandmother, she couldn’t do anything but watch. Lots of pseudo-science in it, but the main gist is that you can observe someone’s life, trace it back to the very beginning where the bad thing happened and then change an event. Think the main character was trying to track down her brother who was kidnapped?

So, not bad for my first day, eh? I'll leave you all alone now!
Hmm... some of this puts me in mind of a book by Octavia Butler... Wild Talent? But I don't recall any time travel in that, so it probably isn't, sorry :(
Thanks! I will trawl. Hadn't seen that site before, so it might come in handy for a whole bunch of things!
