A question about The Hawk Eternal

Nov 1, 2007
Hi guys, i just registered to this forum and i'm really excited to be able to speak to people that have also read the books :). However my question is, was anybody else confused about Ironhands's Daughter and The Hawk Eternal? I mean with Gwalchamai and with Gaelen and Taliesen. I guess i'm kinda confused on the whole gateway thing lol, but mostly on Gwalchamai. Because in Ironhands Daughter he died one way but in the Epilogue of The Hawk Eternal he died another way. Lol sorry to write a novel, and thanks for any input :)
I juust finished reading the Hawk Eternal and Ironhands's Daughter. The way I saw it was that Gwalchamai in both books was a different person.

My first thought when reading Hawk Eternal was that the Gwalchamai in that book was a young version of the Gwalchamai that I read about in Ironhands's Daughter. However after reading more it found that they only shared the same name. Guess that he ran out of names and just used the same name in both books

Hope this helps
I liked the reusing of the same name - people often name their kids after heroes and legends :cool:

Wonder if my son would be beat up at school, or would he be the bully, if I named him Druss.....:rolleyes:
I have not read the Hawk Eternal books. They are the only Gemmell tales I have not read (at least three times). The reasons for this are two-fold: For one, I like that I still have an unread Gemmell story to read, waiting for me whenever decide it's time. Secondly, (I don't mean to be sexist or misogynistic in saying this, as I am happily married to a happy wife, was raised by a single mother, and have a circle of friends that is composed of a majority of independant, intelligent, and beautiful women. I love women!) I have a hard time relating with a female primary character. I like to have a someone that I can imagine being. The reason I had a hard time with George R.R. Martin is because he killed all the characters that resounded with me. Leaving a sarcastic, horrifically wounded, (yet admittedly awesome) dwarf of questionable moral fibre, his one-handed, slightly reformed, yet still incredibly arrogant (and incestuous) brother, and a bunch of children too young to actually do the things they are written as doing.
Admittedly, this is my failing as a reader, rather than any shortcoming of the author's. I should be able to appreciate the value of characterization regardless of the form it takes.
I know I will read Hawk Eternal soon, but it hasn't happened yet. It's my Snickers bar in the bottom drawer. My hidden fix.

On the reusing of names, I also found this a little troubling, but I have to accept that (gasp) people have the same names in real life, too. And in some cases, Gemmell used this as a device to indicate lineage, making it even more acceptable. Decado is a prime example, as he is alternately the Ice Killer and member of the Thirty in King Beyond the Gate, as well as Skilgannon's nemesis and son in the later novels.

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