(Found) Unknown title, Unknown author - but I have a few clues...


New Member
Nov 5, 2007
Hi all:
I am new here. I was searching for some books I read once and I googled you guys as a good source to try to help me find it. Glad to be here :)
Anyway I don't remember the name or author but here are a few clues.
1. I think it was a series consisting of two books.
2. The storyline is basically that this evil wizard takes over the world and there are very few that oppose him. This wizard is never named by name (although at the end it turns out his name is something like maelecciric). Those who oppose him are led by a man called Cryltaur Tabbetang. The fighters under him all have "talents"-usually one magical ability that they can do. The leader has a whole bunch of talents.
The starts with a kid that is being seeked out by both sides because eventually he will develop a "talent"-to control and summon elementals-which cause demons to become powerless. The bad guys want to kill hi because they fear him and the good guys need his help-to be able to make demons powerless.
He gets captured by the bad guys and a bad guys engraves an "m" on his chest saying that unless the sword that did it and the person that did it is destroyed within 30 days-the kid will die. The kid, the leader, and 3-4 fighters with talents go on a quest to save the kid while he learns about his talent.
Eventually they succeed but the leader is imprisoned by the bad guys. They kill a demon called Flameroc thereby also destroying the sword that made the "m" on the kids chest.
The second book describes how they rescue the leader. Finally everything comes to a head and the leader-right before he is killed-summons a being called Iridial(whop had fought these people before but with Flameroc, another demon, and a demon hoard-they were too much for him before) and this being kills maeliccirik (since Flameroc is dead and the demon hoard was banished a short while before) and resurrects all the good guys. He is very arrogant and does not initially want to resurrect them but the kid unselfishly asks him to ressurect his friends and not him and Iridial is so impressed by that unselfishness-that he resurrects everybody.
The only thing I still remember that I haven't said was that the other talents are: Archer-who can do some sort of teleknisis and therefore never misses her shot with an arrow. She also has limited premonitions of bad things to happen
Scythe-blind-talent knows where everything is and is a perfect fighter
Some girl 14 years old-who can do psychological stuff.
Does this sound familiar to any of you? I read them about 20 years ago.
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I think the author is Douglas Hill, the book(s) you're looking for may be Blade of the Poisoner and Master of Fiends....
that was fast!! I am impressed-Thank you so much!!!
Do you also know if there ever was a sequal?
