

New Member
Nov 16, 2007
It was very shocking for me to discovers about the passing of Mr D. Gemmell. I love his booked and have read all of them at least twice.
I know, I am one year too late...

One of my fav has got to be Skilgannon, not cause he was good and all, but cause he was a dual-wielder and his swords are very katana like - the ultimate sword throughout the ages I believe.

Anyway, I read somewhere that MR D Gemmell was planning to write a new book on Skilgannon after he finishes his TROY trilogy..

Now, there won't be any new books..
Did he have a son that loved to write? Do something like Frank Herbert and Brian Herbert? :\
He was 58, way too soon for a great man and author like him.

The more i read about the thing he said and did outisde his books the more i admire him.
Can I just ask(I'm quite new to David gemmell):
Is Skilgannon in any other books or just the two (WW and the Swords of NaD)?
Think Skilgallon makes a very brief appearance in one of the other books...king beyond the gate maybe...rings a bell but could be wrong
Aye I mourned him. Shared his thoughts for so long, prett much all of my teens and adult life. I was always hopeful he would return to Drenai after he had completed the Troy trilogy. He is a great loss to fantasy world and to many of us on a personal level. It is not very often you actually mourn the loss of somebody who was not a loved one. :(
SPoiler alert for those who hav enot read KBTG, SONAD or Whitewolf

The link to KBTG is Decado, the icekiller. In Whitewolf Skillgannon says his was was Decado Firefist, his father skilgannon and his father back Decado. So the name was swopping for each generation.
In SONAD Ustarte tells skillgannon that the crazy lady in WhiteWolf bore him a son and was named decado.
But Skilgannon himself was not mentioned in KBTG.
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