It was very shocking for me to discovers about the passing of Mr D. Gemmell. I love his booked and have read all of them at least twice.
I know, I am one year too late...
One of my fav has got to be Skilgannon, not cause he was good and all, but cause he was a dual-wielder and his swords are very katana like - the ultimate sword throughout the ages I believe.
Anyway, I read somewhere that MR D Gemmell was planning to write a new book on Skilgannon after he finishes his TROY trilogy..
Now, there won't be any new books..
I know, I am one year too late...
One of my fav has got to be Skilgannon, not cause he was good and all, but cause he was a dual-wielder and his swords are very katana like - the ultimate sword throughout the ages I believe.
Anyway, I read somewhere that MR D Gemmell was planning to write a new book on Skilgannon after he finishes his TROY trilogy..
Now, there won't be any new books..