Time Crash: Children in Need Special 2007 (spoilers)


Reetou Diplomatic Corp
May 31, 2001
Clever premise, splitting the final shots of "Last of the Time Lords", the cut between Martha leaving and the TARDIS dematerialising, and the crash which heralded the opening scene of the Christmas special....

Written by Steven Moffatt the special is really just a talking heads between the current Doctor (David Tennant) and a previous incarnation (Peter Davison), the latter of whom takes a while to catch on who he's just met. Tennant though recognises himself at once to his obvious delight. It's directed by Graeme Harper, who has directed both Doctors before in their respective time, which is appropriate given much of the dialogue comes from the current Doctor reflecting on his previous self's appearance and habits, latterly comparing them to those he's kept.

The plot itself is relatively simple: after some maintenance the present Doctor failed to reinitialise the TARDIS shield, allowing their two TARDISes (TARDISI?) to collide in the continuum. They have only a few minutes to sort it out before the paradox destroys a hole the size of Belgium in the universe. It's solved by what to me seems to be a paradox: the present incarnation making suitable control changes and modifications, which he has remembered from when as his fifth incarnation he saw his latter self do them...

Moffatt included at least one populist quip in the dialogue: the fifth doctor notes that the TARDIS's "desktop theme" had been changed, apparently to "coral", which at least was better than leopard skin!

The brief mention of failing to reinstate the TARDIS' "shield" is presumably also be a deliberate addition to explain how the SS Titanic was able to crash through its supposedly impermeable walls, in the prequel/opener for the 2007 Christmas special.

My own query: since they're both the Doctor, does that make it a monologue, rather than a dialogue?
Lol - good point!:D

I saw this last night, and I thought it was an interesting little episode. I did like the way they brought one of the other Doctors back for a spell, too.
I really liked this, even if it was only a brief snippet. I liked how the Doctors said "What?!" to one another rather than "Who?" Heh. And the paradox is enough to make your head hurt. Next, there should be an entire episode where the Doctors get together to help one another!
I thought that this was an interesting wee sketch. Must've been fun for David Tennant - 'You were my Doctor!' - acknowledging that Peter Davidson was the Doctor that he grew up watching.
I also loved the references to previous incarnations and episodes, brilliant stuff for new and old fans alike.

The paradox was slightly brain-wrenching, every good paradox should mean that if you think about it too much your head could very well explode!

As for the multiple Doctors episode, I think that it would be a good idea to do one in series 5. Of course it would depend a lot on who they could get booked. It would be interesting to see Chris Eccleston, David Tennant and Paul McGann interact in an episode.
I watched this and thought hmm definatley one for the fans enjoyed totally I am fairly sure I saw a hint of a tear in Peter Davidsons eye as they faced off at the end, I had a big lump in my throat when he said your my Doctor as well David Tennat and I are of a similar age.
"You know you're getting old when you are older than the actor playing Dr Who!"
I saw it late, my kids recorded for me since I was away. For something interesting to fit a ten-minute slot I thought it was an excellent idea. Whether it brought anything extra or new to the Dr Who universe, I couldn't say.
I loved it.

Seeing Pete Davison back in the role, even for minutes, brought a tear to the eye.

And the exchange between Tennant and Davison at the end, "You were MY Doctor", was simply beautiful.

It would be interesting to see Chris Eccleston, David Tennant and Paul McGann interact in an episode.

Oh. Yes. :)
Yeah, I really enjoyed Tennant's heartfelt moment. It was magical :D A lovely little episode and makes me all nostalgic for the older episodes of Doctor Who. As I'm quite young, I can't remember distinctly the few old epsiodes that I watched as a child (I just have a mild memory of lots of dashing around and some wild, silvery sets...and Davros. I definitely remember Davros!) Methinks I'll have one day watch it from the very beginning. (I also liked Tennant's comment -- "back when I was trying to be grumpy and old and important, like you do when you're young!")

And yes, I think, after the success of this small snippet, a longer episode with two or more Doctors would be very interesting.

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