(Found) Sci-fi Children crash land on crystalline planet

Moss Ryder

Active Member
Nov 19, 2007
First post here. Here we go...

Maybe someone here can help me...

I'm trying to locate the book that got me interested in scfi in the first place, when i was about 10-11.(around'87)

It was a book about a group of space pioneers who were traveling on a ship. the lead character was a little girl (i think) who had an older sister who was a loner and kept a diary.

They ended up (crash-)landing on a planet, and when they went to explore, one of the first things that happened was that they left the ship, but the 'grass' on the planet was actually crystaline and tore up their feet badly, so they then had to make some special tough boots to walk around with.

Dont remember much else of the plot, except by the end, the older sister had died, and the people were bummed and bored, but they found the older sister's diary, and it ended up being their the story of their own adventures, starting back at the beginning of the book.

Thats all i got, and i know its not alot, but maybe someone here can help out:confused:
Haha, wow. You must have really liked this book!

It doesn't sound familiar, but I did a Google and came up with "The Green Book" by Jill Paton Walsh. Ring any bells?

This was pretty much the first 'real' book ive ever read (4th grade) and i guess it was what got me hooked on sci-fi. so ive basically been looking for this book for ~25 years! Now i know why i thought it was called "green _____":p
