(Found) Looking for title of Sci-fi book with furry aliens and red haired female protagonist


New Member
Dec 3, 2007
I remember reading a scifi book with a female protagonist with red hair--that I cannot seem to remember too many details--but she encounters an alien ship, somehow her and a few other colleagues enter the ship. I remember there being a hologram room with holographic fire that they walk through.
The aliens capture the protagonist somehow, and do some kind of reconstructive surgery so she could speak their language. And somehow download their language into her brain. She then becomes the translator for the humans and these furry aliens. The aliens are friendly, or at least from what I remember.
Now I remember a part in the book where she was dreaming of some man making a younger child version of her doing sexual things to him. No idea, it was weird because it was a dream, didn't even need to be in the book.
I think there may be a series of these books. This may or may not be the first of the series.
Re: Looking for title of Sci-fi book with furry aliens and red haired female protagon

This sounds a bit like the Nicole Shea trilogy by Chris Claremont - FirstFlight, Grounded and Sundowner.
Re: Looking for title of Sci-fi book with furry aliens and red haired female protagon

Unfortunately, it's been a very, very long time since I read the first of this series (I never had a chance to get to the other two), but this sounds like Beyond Rejection, by Justin Leiber -- at least, that's what it reminds me of, though not entirely. At any rate, if so, this was one of a series: Beyond Rejection (1980), Beyond Humanity (1987), Beyond Gravity (1988)....

*sigh* Well, Ian's probably right, as my memory here isn't really strong on this point... so unless the title I brought in sounds right, I'd go with his suggestion first.....
Re: Looking for title of Sci-fi book with furry aliens and red haired female protagon

Beyond Rejection featured a heroine with a tail. Which would be pretty memorable :)
Re: Looking for title of Sci-fi book with furry aliens and red haired female protagon

Yes, the book by Chris Claremont - FirstFlight sounds very familiar. I'm almost 100% sure that this is the book. Thanks a lot guys.
Re: Looking for title of Sci-fi book with furry aliens and red haired female protagon

Beyond Rejection featured a heroine with a tail. Which would be pretty memorable :)

Indeed it did.... Unfortunately my memory of the book (and several others I read at that time) is nonetheless quite vague, I'm afraid. (Which is very odd, as my wife had taken a class of Justin's while he was working on the book, and there were several times discussions of it came up that I was in on.... I feel rather badly about that, as it seems almost an insult to the man and his work....:eek:)
