Recycling plastic into fuel.

Hopefully our local recycle will get one this decade...

Swallow some of the zillion types of plastic that don't suit 'bottle sorter only' systems...

Like, um, fast-food trays and carrier bags-- And, yes, tyres...
I've heard about that.

And yes, I think the day is coming when it WILL be profitable to dig through those old landfills and recycle all our old garbage. However far in the future that may yet be.
Wigan Alps...

Once upon a time, there was a quaint little Lancashire town called Wigan, on whose border grew a vast, Victorian spoil-heap from the adjacent coal-mines...

The heap stood, abandoned, for many, many years.

Then, one day, a new mining company descended on the place. With their modern technology, they strip-mined the heap, sieved the coal fines, sized and sold the clean rubble as aggregate etc.

With the former 'Wigan Alps' levelled, drained and sanitised, the land was used for a housing estate.

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