Pictures of the Season -- Please post yours

Teresa Edgerton

Goblin Princess
Staff member
Nov 1, 2004
It is no secret that insofar as decorating my house for Christmas my holiday cheer knows no bounds. But I also love looking at other people's decorations for the winter holidays, as well as pictures of their (family friendly) celebrations.

So to get things started, I'm posting some pictures of my four (yes, four -- could have been five or six, but I chose to show a little restraint) Christmas trees and some of the other decorations. Please, everyone, feel free to share your own Christmas/Chanukah/Winter Solstice/New Year/or other applicable December-January holiday photos, from this or any other year.
Re: Pictures of the Season

This is what we call the Narnia room, since it is supposed to loosely represent a forest scene in that winter-stricken land just at the time that Father Christmas makes his reappearance. Note the little stone animals under the tree, soon to be revivified by Aslan but, sadly, not yet.
Re: Pictures of the Season

Further detail from the Narnia tree (since I found I could only attach five pictures to the previous post), plus a picture of some of my Christmas houses, because they don't specifically go with any of the trees:
Wow, Teresa, you do go all out! I'd post ours but they're a little unimpressive - a Christmas tree light silhouette in the front window. My other half is less than enthusiastic about Christmas, I'm afraid...
I love your Green Man head decoration. When I saw you'd changed your avatar to that I didn't realise it was your own - I thought it was a picture. I want one! (stamps foot)

You've got some great decs. Do you bring the houses out just for Christmas?

I'll take some photos of our decs this evening and post them for you.
Oh, very nice, ice.monkey! Your main tree looks very rich and elegant, and I love the home made decorations (and your namesakes on the refrigerator).
Heh. That's a wonderfully evocative pair of pictures, Rothgar. (Also a very pretty tree before the cats got to work on it.)

When we had cats, we limited ourselves to more-or-less unbreakable ornaments (I say more-or-less because sometimes the cats found a way despite our best efforts), and we spent a lot of time picking up decorations and putting them back where they belonged. When we had young children and young dogs, we always had a small tree on a high table.

Now that we no longer have cats, and the dogs and children have all reached ages of greater wisdom and discretion, I get to decorate as I please -- and when we babysit the grandchildren, barricade one end of the living room with furniture.
I hope you had a blessed Christmas holiday season, Teresa! I must say beautiful decorations seem to abound at your household.

Our cats seem to not care about the ornaments on the tree, although under the tree is one of their favorite roosting places during the holidays.


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