pug's promise to macros?


May 20, 2007
i've just finished reading magician:master, and i have a question about the ending.

During the part when macros and pug enter the chaos realm to close the rift(pg 430 in the paperback), macros says: "I have waited a long while for you to fulfill your promise. I could not close the rift without your aid.".
Did pug make a promise to help macros with something? i remember that macros gave them a message promising that he would come to their aid at the time of greatest need, but i don't recall a promise from pug.

i've already returned magician:apprentice to the library, so i can't skim through the sorcerer's isle chapter and try to refresh my memory. any help would be appreciated.
I think you might be misinterpreting Macros' quote - I think he means 'promise' in the sense that Pug is fulfilling his potential rather than referring to an oath Pug had made to Macros. This ties in with the second sentence in the quote, Pug wouldn't have been able to help Macros close the rift until his tutoring at the hands of the Great Ones unlocked his latent magical abilities.
ok, that interpretation makes more sense.:eek: I still think it's a weird phrasing choice on macros' part though. thanks.

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