Good site for China Mieville information?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
I'm a member of the Yahoo group, but I'm wondering if China or his publishing company or someone keeps any kind of well-maintained site that is updated. Everything I can find is way out of date, and I can't even seem to find a real official site. Even this place has very little that is new (granted, he hasn't released a book in a year, but still). I love his work quite a bit and am always looking for more info about anything he has that is upcoming or even about the man himself (what little I've pieced together paints a pretty intriguing picture).

I suspect that there really isn't anything, which is a shame. People far less well known have much more available on the web. But I guess he's just a relatively private person, and I can respect that (if that is indeed the reason that there is so little available).
Thanks. I've come across those ones in my searches before, I think. I'd think that with an author who has made such a splash, there would be more centralization of information about him. Oh well.

I've read everything he's put out so far (well, not the non-fiction), and I'm eagerly awaiting Kraken - although I've heard some conflicting information about whether it will actually bear that title, or what the release date is.

I wish I could just hire him to sit in a room and write all day. I think he's the best young writer out there.
He should definitely have an author's website. Every other author I can think of does. Even I do and my first novel isn't released till July!

So yes, he needs one. Maybe someone should buy a domain and host a fan site for him?

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