Goodkind gets TV show

hehe...Just recently, a few gaming buddies of my brother were visiting and this guy, he goes "...Terry Goodkind's The Sword of Truth, is a must read for any fantasy fan..." and it so happened (to my horror!) that at this particular moment I was gulping down a drink....and before I could swallow, the whole thing came out like a fountain...
hehe...Just recently, a few gaming buddies of my brother were visiting and this guy, he goes "...Terry Goodkind's The Sword of Truth, is a must read for any fantasy fan..." and it so happened (to my horror!) that at this particular moment I was gulping down a drink....and before I could swallow, the whole thing came out like a fountain...

LMAO! :)
Goodkind is, in my opinion, a pretty shoddy writer.

He's managed to spend about 7,500 pages to try and accomplish what Ayn Rand did in about 1,000. And like most "objectivists", he comes across with cult-like fervor.

Anyone who reads these books, and comes away with any other impression than they're being preached at, must not have been paying attention.

He does so by creating pedestal-worthy super good guys and constrasing them, in grisly and exploitative terms, against "ULTIMATE EVIL!!!!!", with a heavy dose of hint-hint-I'm-writing-about-communism-hint-hint.

He's just a bad writer.

Strange way to make my first post, but there you go.
im sorry, but goodkind is a female rights activist? i don't think so. seriously, i don't. the only women who get raped in his books are the bad girls, the bullies, the evil witchy types (other than kahalan's sister)
nearly EVERY woman gets raped or is threatened with rape. that certainly isn't 1 in 5 ratio. and it is NOT every 1 in 5 before they're 18 in america or anywhere else! 1 in 5 are a victom of sexual assult fullstop, not before they're 18.
he gives his woman power? uh no. kahalan has power, but what does it do? well when she has sex with men it makes them slaves to her. basically making it impossible for her to have a proper, loving relationship with any guy. the rest of the women in the book are victims of rape and abuse and assult. all it says is goodkind doesn't think women like or should be having sex, because he finds a way to corrupt it at EVERY level
there's the fact he puts rape in where it has NO relevance to the plot (kahalan's sister, for instance)
the fact he shows rape as completely devasting to women, again, kahalan's sister, who gave up the throne after her ordeal. which shows that women can't handle being abused and have to run away and hide after, rather than stand their ground and fight back and go on with their lives
we have the fact that women must have sex with mosnters with barbed falluses to do some magic, so that sex hurts them. cos god forbid it should be nice sex for any of these women.
we have the mord sith, the bondage type women, wearing leather, the main stars of who were a lesbian couple.
AND most importantly of all, you have NONE of the rape victims being actual characters. a whole school of girls are raped and taken prisoner, and NONE of them are nice girls (they're all bullies) and NONE of them exist as characters.
that doesn't show you the horror of rape. that shows you nothing. it makes the rapists out to be evil monsters, not humanbeings, which they are. and the women out to be people for who sex is always bad, and if they're naughty, they will be punished with it.

goodkind is NOT a female activist. none of his women are strong. he uses sex as a weapon to HURt his female characters. none of them are independant, sexual creatures in their own right. they're all messed up and controlled by sex.

david gemmell, he had a girl gang raped in his quest for lost heroes. he showed exactly how she felt abotu it, how she wondered about how these men could hurt her when they'd been good to her as a child. That shows the horror of rape. THAT shows her position and the lack of democracy in her life, that her brother could have men do that to her. we saw how SHE felt, so we saw how bad rape was. the way goodkind does it is so shallow and one dimential that all we get is, the men who raped are eeeeeevil and the women who are raped are baaad girls who are being punished. it's sick.

im sorry, but i am a feminist. i AM a female rights activist, and to be told that a man who writes about degrading sexual act for women, who has them raped ALL the time for no reason, with no accuracy invovled, no character development and no real purpose, is also one is offensive to me. because he's not. he can claim he is, to try and hide the misogny, but he's not. and, i've heard that in real life he's told a female fan that she can't possibly understand his work because she's female. that's not a female rights activist thing to say.

so yeah. he isn't for women's rights. he's a pervy, plain and simple. he likes to degrade and hurt women.

AND selling lots of books doesn't make you a good writer! the kid who wrote eragon sold lots, he had a movie, he's not a good writer either. populartiy doesn't = talent. just look at the boy/girl bands that do so well. they sell TONNES of records all the time, are they talented? well some of them can sing, but they can't write their own music a lot of the time, or their own songs, and just singing alone isn't what makes you a good musician (cos lots of peoel can sing) so yeah, populartiy is NEVER a sign that someone is a good writer. it's just a sign that lots of people are daft *shrug*
people are sheep, after all. they go with the flock.
I agree with the_faery_queen.

I have no problem whatsoever with graphic descriptions or subject matter when it does what everything else in the story is supposed to - adds depth and meaning.

But after you make it through the third or fourth book in Goodkind's series, you've been beat over the head with rape again and again and again that, makes a guy wonder if he just enjoys writing about it.
GRRM fans should wait until HBO actually realese the show before hyping it......

Its not like HBO is flawless. Also someone said a famous book series doesnt make it outmaticly a good tv show.

I havent read this author and i dont think i wanna try him since im not even fan of the subgenre and he has very bad rep.

What i can say is that i will watch this series cause Sam Raimi is producing.

I trust Sam Raimi one of the producers my favs Xena,Herkules tv shows.
The esteemed Goodkind is a fine artist indeed, and one so pure in his conception; if indeed, this visual showcase doesn't quite manage to fulfill all our hopes (which it most likely won't, as our own imagination tends to run amok), we can at least await, expectant, for a uniquely satisfying diversion of fantastical qualities. Also, it is likely to convey to the viewer a partial helping of the truth carried amongst his books.
Ha, you won't get any fun here Senor Enigma. We bash Goodkind elsewhere, you'll get no reaction from this lot.
The simple truth is that Goodkind is a hack. His books are pulp fiction, and will be assigned to the dustbin and the ignominy of being out of print in a few decades. They just are not relevant enough to last. The prose is grade 5, and I would speculate that many have read the books because they are easy to read and the series has been marketed to death. They are simple linear stories that are repetitive ad nauseum, and they contain the awful, stereotypical bad guy that EVERYONE would have to oppose.

The guy might sell books, but that is the publisher's job. Would that the publishers would market the better, and certainly more artistically notable series that are out there. The reading public would be much better served than it currently is if the publishing houses would do so.
clansman, i don't understand what you're saying if you don't mention janny wurts. ;)
In my (limited) experience reading Goodkind, the only thing I found remotely interesting was the crazy guy who hacks off nipples. The rest was, of course, awful - especially the writing. At least the television adaptation can't be worse than the actual books.
You mean, I didn't mention Janny Wurts? Oh, that's right. My keyboard starts to smoke when an author of Wurts' great quality is typed in too close proximity to those of, ahem, well, ah, people who can't write worth crap. Okay, so far no smoke, I guess because I didn't write "Goodkind".

The simple truth is that Goodkind is a hack. His books are pulp fiction, and will be assigned to the dustbin and the ignominy of being out of print in a few decades. They just are not relevant enough to last. The prose is grade 5, and I would speculate that many have read the books because they are easy to read and the series has been marketed to death. They are simple linear stories that are repetitive ad nauseum, and they contain the awful, stereotypical bad guy that EVERYONE would have to oppose.

The guy might sell books, but that is the publisher's job. Would that the publishers would market the better, and certainly more artistically notable series that are out there. The reading public would be much better served than it currently is if the publishing houses would do so.

I dislike the diss of pulp fiction.

Pulp fiction are great in my view cause REH and many writers of his time and after are called pulp in a very good way.

Diss this author without dissing the history and the quality of good pulp fiction.....
Connavar, you have my deepest and most profound apologies.

Perhaps I should have said that Goodkind gives pulp fiction a bad name? He certainly gives fantasy a bad name, --

Oh wait, I forgot. HE doesn't write fantasy, does he! Never mind magic swords, castles, Mother Confessors, wizards, bone ladies, magic-sucking nymphomaniacs, magical barriers, dragons, etc. and so on. It is still NOT fantasy. No how, no way. Can't be fantasy. Fantasy bad. Fantasy a ghetto.
It's not fantasy. I mean, just look at the Mord Sith and constant rape scenes. It's clearly dodgy BDSM Erotic Fiction.


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