I wonder if the scripts are knocking around somewhere
it would be fantastic if they were recovered and a new version with modern special effects could be made
I might be mistaken but I thought I heard that a new version of Caves of Steel
is going to be made into a film.
Yes, it might be fun to have a slightly 'glammed up' version made - though I'm sure purists would not agree. And, being me, I would enjoy a hint of parody too. The human-robot relationship, with its scope for mishaps and misundertandings, plus a robot learning how to be as human as possible, could provide a lot of that.
I also thought there was some idea of making 'Foundation' into a film as well.
Clever digital effects, where appropriate, can be brilliant - so long as there aren't too many corny Hollywood-style explosions and guns on every corner just for the sake of it.
I hope any might-be film producer/director would also consider enhancements such as exciting scenery and vistas and other visuals (even fashions of clothes and decor) - Asimov wasn't much good at this, not being visual himself.
But, as with anything, this should never be overdone just for the sake of it.