(Probably Found) Looking for certain book


New Member
Feb 6, 2008
I am looking for a certain book which I think is a series. I don'y know tha name and I remember a little about the book. All I remember is a spaceship crashes on a planet the is farmed buy robots and one of the suviours is part cat. They have to move in to the rocks because at night something comes out of the graound and kills them. Also every so often more people are put there. I also remember that the aliens let them live there and outs up a dome over the planet to keep the others from getting to the opne that is part cat. Can anyone help me with this book

Hm, not too certain but it could be "Freedom's Landing" (Anne McCaffrey)
The alien in question (Zainal) is Catteni (a humanoid, high gravity race) rather than being in any way feline, but is referred to as a cat from time to time, The "dome" is non physical, and I think it's part of a tetrology (Freedom's choice, Freedom's Ransom and – Freedom's Challenge?)
Thank you so much, I will look and see if it is the books I am looking for. You have been a great help.
