'Like' vs 'as if'


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007

I know the difference between 'like' and 'as if', and how they are technically not interchangeable.

I am wondering how important this is? I have identified in my writing a few places where I use 'like' instead of 'as if', but the replacement, in many cases, seems to slow the flow down and read quite out of place.

Is this one of those grammar rules that I really should adhere to in a novel (note: it's not epic fantasy, so not full of 'whom's and so on), or is it something that really is a matter of taste?

For instance, Terry Pratchett is always using 'There's' when it should be 'There're' or 'There are', and generally follows his 'as ifs' with a 'was' instead of a 'were'.

Thanks a lot,

Hi Teatime

I am not sure there are many rules that really cannot be broken. However, I would be very careful with the use of 'like'. It can, in my view, sound a little immature or colloquial in many contexts. However, I also think, 'as if' can be greatly over used.

I would look at a variety of ways of making descriptive comparisons if possible.

Just my thoughts.
Well, I have tallied up 23 non-dialogue times when I use 'like' when it should be 'as if/though'.
Including the dialogue times - which I am blaming the characters for so am far less likely to change - that comes up to about 30.
This is in a 94,000 word manuscript. So - I think I might leave them as they are. As I said, they do sound a little odd when replaced with as if/though - to me, anyway.

What do others think?
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