Will There Be 3rd Fantastic Four? (Perhaps The Frightful Four)

Could they even afford to make one? I mean, all the bad reviews about the second one all but slaughtered their chances. Any rational Hollywood producer would not bet on a sinking ship like that...

Oh wait, they're Hollywood producers, so yes, there probably will be a Fantastic Four 2.
Hmm, perhaps to make a few bucks. I personaly hated the second. The story line was dreadful among other things.

But I suppose it would be like the X-Men, or Spiderman. Make it a Triology
I liked what they did with Silver Surfer, but all of these movies could be made better than they turned out.

It seem like they are just being thrown together rather than allowing time for putting more effort in to them. More of what the people would like to see.

More money and time gets spent on more movies that people end up not even liking. Maybe they oughta try that with more of the things we would like.

I think Hollywood is becoming more like the government. Throw out a few quick fix bones here and there to keep us in line then more often than not, remind us why we have reason to complain so much! :mad:
Quite true. Frankly, I just wish, they'd leave the genre (comics) alone; they are just milking it for what it's worth, when all the juice runs out, they'll just toss it aside and start with the next one. Anime seems to be their latest love affair...Look what they did to the Transformers (huge fan since way back when I was a kid when the thing started); just another Hollywood action flick.

Cheers, DeepThought

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