Weigh in on Your Favorite Science Fantasy Musical Instrument
Much has been said within the Chronicles about protagonists, villians, the magic they deploy, the author's skill at laying down a plot, the relevance or (gasp!) worth of a book as compared to Tolkien's stuff, and even (in several places) commentary about how often the good J.R.R.'s surname is revised. Here, however, it's time for something slightly different.
Introducing "Instrument Wars" (strains of John Williams begin in the background), or perhaps the Clash - es (shameless, I know!) of a Different Kind of Axe. What is your favorite Science Fiction/Fantasy Musical Instrument, and what exactly is it about the instrument that has you whistling more than "Dixie"?
I'll seed the discussion here with a couple of my favorites, then turn things over to you, all-knowing forum! As follows:
1. The Lyranthe wielded by Arithon in Janny's Wurts' Wars of Light and Shadow series. There doesn't seem to be anything this instrument can't do when wielded by him.
2. The duar from Alan Dean Foster's Spellsinger series. Unlike the lyranthe above, the hero (it's been a while, but I think his name was John Paul) can never quite seem to master this instument, and the results were occasionally hilarious. Enjoyed the classic rock references Foster re-employs as spells here, too.
(Note: I had some instrument images included for illustrative purposes in this thread initially, but forum rules won't let me post them until I've contributed a few more offerings....you need 15, apparently! Please don't let that stop those of you who've already met the requirement, however!)