A history on islam/ persian empire clothes


Gaia's Rave
Feb 1, 2008
Hi guys, am just wondering whether you can give me info on the following:

Clothes worn by muslim men women and children in the middles ages/ persian empire

clothes worn by the nobles, caplihates

Armour & weapons worn and used by the soliders, saracens, mamalukes, saladin etc.

I apologize if this is in the worng section or has been covered before.

PS If you have a know a good website that has the following info on the above that would be great also.

Thanks :)
If you can wait a few days, (possibly til Monday), I can find some references for you. Now, if it was early islamic arcitecture you were itnerested in...!
Sorry, I completely forgot about it the proces of moving house, how soon do you need to know? I shouold be able to get you some stuff in a week or two.

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