(Found) Older sci-fi, story or novella by an American author, no idea about the name.


Weighted Companion Cube
Sep 9, 2007
Read this some 10-15 years ago, it was presumably written by an American author in late 60s or thereabouts.

The plot followed a man affected by virulently transmitted schizophrenia and/or multiple personality disorder, whose various personalities had been split off and given their own, artificial bodies.

The main character was the main personality, that the other ones were split off and was a boring, pedantic person, who was fond of crosswords, went to the cinema weekly and bought a pornographic magazine monthly. Some time before his 35th birthday he set out on a search for his other personalities in order to reunite them.

All I remember from that point on, is that his second personality was living on Mars, seducing and possibly defrauding older women and that his name may have been Edgar.

For a number of reasons, I've became interested in finding this story again, but I cannot remember neither the name, nor the author.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.

Well, it was bugging me that I could recall the story synopsis but not the title or the author. And now I've found it, and it should be Robert Sheckley novella The Humours, which was supposedly expanded into a novel Crompton Divided, which is also known as The Alchemical Marriage of Alistair Crompton
