Small Favor - discussion (SPOILERS!)

I wouldn't say that Luccio is Harry's 'true love', but, then again, I tend not to jump headlong into any sort of 'ship in my fandoms. *g*

Because of who Harry is, though, when Susan comes back, if Harry's still with Luccio, it *will* be complicated. No question. Exactly what the complications will be, that's still up in the air, but very rarely is anything simple for Harry, and surely not his love life. =)
From Highlander II:
Because of who Harry is, though, when Susan comes back, if Harry's still with Luccio, it *will* be complicated. No question. Exactly what the complications will be, that's still up in the air, but very rarely is anything simple for Harry, and surely not his love life. =)

I can only agree with that. I have seldom read a protagonist who gets beaten to a pulp both physically and emotionally as much as Harry Dresden. :eek:

I like the Luccio character very much and her seduction of Harry, AKA The Willing, was a fun read. Poor Harry never stood a chance. However, I still hold that Harry as written is not casual about sex. He has feelings for her. I fully expect the next book to begin to flesh this out a lot more, ahem, as it were. :D
Lucio was always an interesting charicter her experience as a warder made her a formidable figure a bit remote and untouchable.

I just dont think they are well suited, a fling yes but anything more I cant see. They both need stress relief right now, but I have to say I would be happy to be proved wrong. But I dont think she's Harrys long term type. Harry goes for the damsel in distress kinda girl which Lasciel used.

Well Harrry using the sword, obvious with hindsight, but then jim is one for smaking us over the head with stuff we should have seen coming! Nice call! :D
Regarding Harry's sex life (or seeming lack thereof) - so far, he hasn't been written as 'casual' about it and given his chivalrous tendencies, it's unlikely that would change. Harry's a good guy and while having wild casual sex doesn't make one a 'bad guy', it does tarnish the 'white hat' a little and Harry already has enough flaws that he doesn't need to add that one too. Overkill is just as bad as 'not enough kill' in the character development department. *g*
I did not mean to be obtuse about my little "The Willing" in reference to Harry. It meant that he was ready emotionally to finally let Susan have her choice and get on with a life that can include an emotional tie to another person on the love front. Susan never made sense to me since she is human, now a human vamp hybrid, and Harry will still outlive her. He will not outlive Luccio except for her being killed.

Highalnder II, I agree with you, since you agree with me, that Harry is not the sexual fling kind of guy. His first encounter with Susan was a little light hearted, perhaps, but it also led to a deepening of his feelings for her. I predict that the same thing will happen with Luccio. She is beautiful, savvy, powerful, and is going to live a long long time.

I disagree that Harry and Luccio are in any way incompatible. As long as they have income and she remains pattable, they will be fine. :)

They are much better suited than our valkyrie or Susan in so many ways. I also do not see him getting together with his old flame, at all.
If were talking romance here, what about Molly? If I understand it and baring accidents and purposeful accidents they are both going to live a very long time.
Seldom does the sensei marry the student. Harry is a whole generation plus ahead of her in years and experience. I would see her more associated with the good sorcerer of the West.

Besides, I am not sure how her family would react to such a thing. Momma might get seriously violent. I am not sure that dad would approve, either.

Yes, Molly could get the schoolgirl crush on teach. I see no reciprocation.
I see Molly as the big 'off limits'. Harry's hard up, but I don't think he's so hard up for female (or other) companionship that he'd risk the wrath of Molly's mother (and possibly her father) to be with Molly in any way other than as her teacher.

Is it a possibility? Sure, I guess it is *one*, but I don't think it a viable one, not in the context of the stories as they're playing out now.

Randomly, on this topic - what is the fandom obsession with pairing people up? This is just my general curiosity about fandom in general (not specifically Dresden). Maybe it's just me, b/c I don't operate that way, so it's not really a 'do or die' question for me, but it just seems overly silly to focus so much attention on who Harry ultimately ends up with romantically. Especially considering nearly every series of whatever (books, TV, etc) that tries to pair people up, ultimately jumps the shark b/c the writers suddenly forgot what they were supposed to be writing and started writing a bad soap opera instead. (Sorry, I'll stop ranting now... *g*)
Molly was a thought, mainly if you look about 50 years or so down the road then she might be more of one. I don't think he is hard up, I was thinking more of a long term farther down the road thing.

In regards to the pair up,for me, I think it is the romantic in me. In real life relationships tend to take up a very large percentage of a persons time and effort, whether a two forever or a new one every day type relationship. There is still a lot of energy and effort spent on pursing that action so it makes a lot of sense that people want to see it in stories.

I do agree that often when a series puts two together it tends to fall into the soap opera trap, which is sad, because they certainly don't have to. If they would continue to focus on the story instead of the relationship I think they would do alright.
Yeah, Highlander II, it is the guys who are the romantics, after all. I do not see the necessity of a marriage between Harry and anybody. However, wizards do not grow on trees, after all. They do require conception in the usual way.

Luccio is clearly a nubile and fertile woman. A wonderful source of new Wizards for the sake of balance. I do not see it happening until some/most/all of the major issues get addressed, however. That will take more than a couple of books, as far as I can see.

I am not so sure that Susan is fertile with a pure human anymore. She is likely to pair up with the guy she was with when we last saw her in Chicago. They both have the same problem and the same goals and the propinquity is massive. The hot latin thing is likely going to be the motive. hehe
No, wizards don't grow on trees, but I don't see Harry as the type eager to populate the world with wizard kids. XD And I surely don't see him attempting to procreate for the sole purpose of adding to the wizard population.
Yeah, H2, I was being somewhat facetious. It certainly would not be a prime motive for him or most of the wizards I have seen portrayed in this series. I do not recall any of them being married. Yet, they have implied that the skill can be inherited. There have also implications that it is a recessive that can crop up even among mundanes. I think of that poor girl who was killed by MacFinn in Fool Moon and was Harry's apprentice for a short time. Alas, it was too short a time.

Ramirez is likely to spread some wild oats and perhaps a little more. Yet, he is clearly not seriously involved with any woman, at least, not yet.

I call him the Sorcerer of the West.
Especially considering nearly every series of whatever (books, TV, etc) that tries to pair people up, ultimately jumps the shark b/c the writers suddenly forgot what they were supposed to be writing and started writing a bad soap opera instead. (Sorry, I'll stop ranting now... *g*)

Ok, per your request, the next Dresden book should be crossover - with Anita Blake universe :p
Ouch! That would be a very troublesome convergence. However, the Anitaverse does not have a Nevernever as a part of its functions. So the only thing that could be added, as you implied, would be the explicit sex.

I prefer JB's approach, speaking for myself, of course.

JB has not really given us a basis for how wizards came to be among humans. The only thing I infer is that they are a natural part of the genetic code among humans and they just occur when two recessives come together. Pardon the redundancy from my previous post.
Ok, per your request, the next Dresden book should be crossover - with Anita Blake universe :p

You know, I think I might have to slap you. XD

*doesn't like Anita Blake at all* I tried to read one of her freakin' books and after that - gave 'em all away (I think I had 3).

I think wizard origins in Dresden are like immortal origins in Highlander - better left as an unknown. (Despite my devotion to the 2nd Highlander film and all of it's little quirks *g*)
You have hit another nail, H2. I can speculate about the whichness of the why, but it is not really necessary for me to enjoy the series to know all of the details. It is fun, though. :)

I just finished the first two books on a reread. I am always somewhat appalled at the damage that Harry takes in these books. It is a very good thing that he heals up pretty well. His healing from the hellfire burns on his hand is taking a long time, but considering the damage, it is still pretty miraculous.

He may not have a lot of finesse, but he has guts galore and he will blow you away with his raw power. I just wish he would work out a little more and get some beef on that overly lanky frame of his. :)

Oh yes, does anyone think that there is still a piece of Lasciel in Harry's spirit? That last scene when he played the guitar so well made me wonder. ;)

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