A point of mild interest


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2008
When/if Thoros and Melisandre come face to face.

Will they be allies? Doubtful.

Enemies? Most likely.

Ready to kill each other? I'm going to go for this option...
It's just my gut feeling, but Thoros would probably not so much want to meet Melisandre.

It is a question that I've thought about before, which just leads me down a path of wondering about R'hllor (however you spell it) and if one of them is a true priest/ess at all.
Ahhhh, the servants of R'hllor... M'elisandre might be the love child that T'horos never knew he had... This may be the whole reason M'elisandre came to Westeros in the first place.
Hm, based on what I've read on these forums I may be the only person to believe that they are *both* true priests of R'hllor. I don't believe they would necessarily be enemies if they met in person. They'd probably have a lot in common. I'm not saying they would fall in love but they certainly wouldn't be at odds.

I really don't see how either one can be fake. They've both used the magic of R'hllor. If anything, Thoros was the fake priest until he suddenly found the power to resurrect the dead. Now he's for real. Melisandre has always been for real. I actually accept her explanation that her shadows are servants of *light* not darkness since shadows are created by light. Melisandre may have other theories and delusions that are wrong (she simply believes she's right) but she's definitely a true servant of R'hllor.
Nope nope nope Viz....both TK and Mr Happy Tree have posited the ideas that we have two faces to the same divinity.

I too have no problem accepting that she is of true faith as well. I see her as a ultra-militant right wing member of her faith.....so ultra-conservative and devout she absolutely believes her side will be victorious and in fact is pushing to be there for that final battle.

I have an idea that she believes Stannis will be the instrument of R'hllors fight against the other. Except she misunderstood Stannis' role slightly and he will be the living embodiment of the Other. Or maybe she's setting Stannis up to be said vessel. Either way, she is so firmly to the side of her faith that she doesnt acknowledge the possibility that her side could lose, and thus is actively striving to bring forth the Other.

Anyways....heres a short thread to show you you're not the only one.
Hm, based on what I've read on these forums I may be the only person to believe that they are *both* true priests of R'hllor. I don't believe they would necessarily be enemies if they met in person. They'd probably have a lot in common. I'm not saying they would fall in love but they certainly wouldn't be at odds.

I really don't see how either one can be fake. They've both used the magic of R'hllor. If anything, Thoros was the fake priest until he suddenly found the power to resurrect the dead. Now he's for real. Melisandre has always been for real. I actually accept her explanation that her shadows are servants of *light* not darkness since shadows are created by light. Melisandre may have other theories and delusions that are wrong (she simply believes she's right) but she's definitely a true servant of R'hllor.

For some reason, I don't really see their theologies NOT meshing... about all they have in common is their devotion to what is right. Note that Thoros hasn't done anything magical since his sense of right was wrecked by the final demise of the BWB...

...but I do think he'd view Melisandre's magic as an aberration to be stomped out.
Thanks for the link. (link to the post I'm including in this reply follows)


I like the idea that Melisandre is so confident in her cause and R'hllor that she's trying to bring back the the Others on purpose. She appears to be a fanatic and that's what a fanatic would do. I kinda hope that that turns out to be her intentions.

I don't see Thoros wanting to stomp out her magic. Her magic is kinda irrelevant and secondary to the point that, if anything, he'd want to stop her from bringing about the final battle. I.e. he'd want to stop her fanaticism not simply her magic.
Thanks for the link. (link to the post I'm including in this reply follows)


I like the idea that Melisandre is so confident in her cause and R'hllor that she's trying to bring back the the Others on purpose. She appears to be a fanatic and that's what a fanatic would do. I kinda hope that that turns out to be her intentions.

I don't see Thoros wanting to stomp out her magic. Her magic is kinda irrelevant and secondary to the point that, if anything, he'd want to stop her from bringing about the final battle. I.e. he'd want to stop her fanaticism not simply her magic.

Now you've seen the light. Its always best to agree with me you know. Bad things happen to those who disagree with me...

We havent seen Boaz in a few days have we......muahahahahahahaha

Hey Thoros refused to resurrect Catelyn right? And so Beric did it? Is that correct? If so, why do you think Beric did it?
the forum denies me edditing for some reason, and I was distracted when posting last so with dead and dying freys

But, while doing that, the numbers of the BWB have dwindled vastly and have lost a lot of support from people abroad.
On a side note, I was so crushed that Arya was so close to reuniting with Catelyn and Robb and then the Red Wedding happened.
On a side note, I was so crushed that Arya was so close to reuniting with Catelyn and Robb and then the Red Wedding happened.

That's Martin for you, he's an evil ******* and we love him for it!
Curisiouly, how exactly did Beric do it? He's not a Priest, or is it just his conviction in Rh'lorr that let him?
it was his conviction, and probably the fact that Rh'lorr's fire was already within him, so he could pass it on if need be... he'd seen Thoros do it often enough...
