First, type Wedhorn, on
When I first got A King's Quest, I went to several message boards as an enthused new author, one of the message boards really took a disliking to the fact that I posted there, I was wrong in the way I went about it, and so they all went to Amazon and posted some horrible reviews, and never read it. All of them said they did it just because I went to their site, I was wrong in what I did and I know better now and havent made that mistake again. At that time, I had only sold twenty copies and none of them was to any of them. I have tried and tried to get amazon to fix this problem but... that has been like pulling teeth. I did recieve two good reviews from SFF World, and Midwest book review, but have been forever finding things posted by these seven people. They have made because of my enthusiam which was wrong, bad posts all over just because. It's a shame and I have apologized for it several times. Needless to say I have stopped trying that route and will always introduce myself anywhere before I ever post again.