Excerpt from my short story

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New Member
May 3, 2008
[FONT=&quot]Hey everyone, I am a bit new to writing and am also new to this forum. This is a small excerpt from my short story Tacky Cat. Hope you enjoy and I'll be anxiously awaiting any feedback you can give me. Thanks. (sorry about the huge text wall, not really sure how to post this up better)

The cat would not move, it just stared at me with its big green eyes, mocking me. Damn you cat. I pushed hard, and looking at me with bulging eyes filled with disbelief, that cat went flying. In my successful attempt, I had also sent myself sprawling forward. Unbalanced, and beginning to tip right, I grasped sporadically into the air, searching for something to hold onto. As the ladder left my feet, my hands found the tree limb. I hung there, switching places with the cat, and breathing a sigh of relief. Far below, the ladder crashed against the wood chipper, striking the faded green button labeled ON. Within moments, the once sweet music of the wood chipper had now become the death bells signaling my end. They’re going to find me half mangled in that thing. Linda will hear me scream but it’ll be too late by then. The blades were hungry below me, screaming like angry devils. Maybe they’re tired of wood. The rotted limb snapped, it was a miracle it had held me this long, but now I was spiraling down towards the ravenous blades. My life didn’t flash before my eyes, but time did slow down, and it slowed down just long enough for me to see that black cat walk back inside. Damn cat. Then everything went white, there was heat, and there was pain. There was a lot of pain.
Interesting piece.

Things to look out for:

Semi-colons. I can see a few places crying out for one; particularly the first sentence.
Tenses. You seem to mix these up.
Adverbs. Your text would read tighter if you erased some of them.
Passive Voice. You use this a lot.

Other than that, I thought it was pretty interesting. It was kept nice and light. :)
You should use more full stops when you write action. I recommend you to read aloud your prose. It should be fast, when it comes to the action. I'm tempted to edit this piece, but I leave it to you to do that.

What makes this interesting is the character not really know where he is, and he is talking more about the scenery, then narrating via what he see, and what he see comes with the action. I, for example, couldn't understand what blades were whirring under the tree.
Thanks for the feedback so far =) I'm trying to work steadily with editing and proofreading everything as well as taking in all your critiques.
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